Tuesday, April 5, 2016


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  This quote I found at Young Fogeys and used it for the homily at Fr. Swirski's vigil prayers.  

Priests should look upon death as one of the last functions of the priesthood. It is their last Mass. This mortal body with which you were born at the incarnation was for you, O Jesus, only the material of the sacrifice. This is what this mortal body should be for each of those who share your priesthood. They must make use of it, as you did, to preach the truth, to edify men. But the essential, sacerdotal use they must make of it is to die. … They should, then, prepare for it as they prepare to celebrate Mass, because the death of a priest is a Mass, united to your death and consummated in yours for the salvation of mankind.”  from Fr. Gaston Courtois


Adam sent in this short clip between Richard Dawkins and a bishop.  See it HERE.

Okay.  Did you read the Monday Diary I did a while back about the ornamental light posts in our neighborhood being taken out one by one?  I am more convinced than ever that it is a plot!  Another one bit the dust recently.  Look at all the ugly junk that could have been hit and knocked down but what is hit?  The lamp post.  VERY anti-Chestertonian.

Ken sent in THIS most excellent article from the Wall Street Journal.

Eric sent in THIS article from the Atlantic Monthly about the end of the Museum of Biblical Art.  This is more important than you might thing.

That's Sebastian in the picture enjoying being buried as I unpacked boxes.

This will not be for everybody:

Description of this four minute video called, "Behold - An Exercise"  "Take a few minutes, be still, and behold. Can you do it?

"I had this idea to start the first full week of the new year with an exercise in beholding, being still, breathing. Just watch the video. It might feel weird at first, but who knows...maybe it'll be good. If you're really feeling adventurous, turn out the lights and throw on some headphones before you hit play."

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