And it is certainly one of my favorites. Today is the day we have the reading at Mass from the Acts of the Apostles. In it, Saint Peter is being chastised by some for going over to A Gentiles' house and eating their food. But St. Pete, beloved by true foodees everywhere, told them about a vision he had from God. "Something resembling a large sheet coming down, lowered from the sky by its four corners . . . I observed and saw the four legged animals of earth . . . and a voice say to me, 'Slaughter and eat.'"
"Certainly not," said our intrepid hero, "nothing unclean will enter my mouth!"
But God said to him, "What God has made clean you are not to call profane!"
This happened THREE TIMES.
That means its all free game.
And pig is no longer off limits. Thus was the Church to embrace bacon. And now, those in the know, (which now includes YOU) celebrate this annual feast called Baconmas day!
Please celebrate the goodness of God by eating some bacon today!Thank you to Fr. Thomas for reminding me.
I love the mixed media cartoon at the end. And I hope that not innocent bacon was wasted to produce this entry.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely not!
ReplyDeleteIt was pre-cooked bacon (thanks to Cindy) and immediately following the picture I ate half and Sebastian ate half. No pig was wasted in the making of this cartoon.
I don't eat meat on Monday. Does this feast create a bacon obligation?
ReplyDeleteI am only aware of a handful of Fridays and Holy Days in the weeks preceding Easter where the bacon obligation is lifted.
DeleteThe other three and a half hundred or so all have some form of cured pork obligation.
Do I get a vote on what picture the parish will use on all its social media efforts going forward?
ReplyDeleteBecause I vote for the poster in picture #2, and I'm not sure I can be talked off that position.
ReplyDeleteFather, Until the last few years I never read the gospels for all the weekday - thus, not real clear on impact of the "Baconmas" gospel. Thank you for teaching us about this in such a fun way. And we enjoyed the pound of Bacon Ron cooked on the grill Monday morning!