Monday, May 4, 2009


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “Heretics always think they are holier than the Church.” Fr. Stanly Klasinski

QUOTE II: “That’s the thing about dogs. There isn’t a human being in the world worthy of a dog’s welcome.” From Richard Power’s, “The Echo Maker”


Andrew McNabb sent this in: "I thought that your readers might be interested in knowing about my recently-released book, The Body of This, which is getting lots of attention in the Catholic press. In particular, a passionate discussion over at and, last night, a discussion of the book and the present state of Catholic literature on Cover to Cover on Catholic Radio International between which Matthew Lickona (Swimming with Scapulars, Loyola,) Katy Carl (editor-in-chief of Dappled Things,) and Joseph O’Brien (poet and host of Cover to Cover.)

"Would very much appreciate your mentioning my book. There is such a dearth of contemporary Catholic writing, and we are much the poorer for it. Please visit for more information about me and the book."

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter has a couple of interesting stories this week. The first is, "The U.S. bishops' Committee on Divine Worship has posted on the Web a series of 10 questions and answers related to participation at Mass during the time of the swine influenza (swine flu)."

Then there is this story: "Did you know, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, located in Washington D.C., will mark the 50th anniversary of its dedication on November 20, 2009? In keeping with the tradition of the Church, the Jubilee is currently being celebrated for the entire year before the date."

Kaz, our correspondent from New York sent this in: "FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, is a national campus outreach that meets college students where they are and invite them to examine the meaning and purpose of their lives."

My cousin sent in this color/word test. Make sure you can pay attention before beginning! It is tougher than you might think.

This press release was sent in from EWTN, "EWTN Global Catholic Network will air complete coverage of Pope Benedict XVI’s historic visit to Jordan and Israel May 8-15, 2009.

"EWTN will follow the Holy Father across the region as he visits such sites as Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where Jesus Christ was baptized; the Grotto of the Annunciation, where Mary learned she would carry the Messiah; the presidential palace in Jerusalem, where the Holy Father will meet with Israeli President Shimon Peres; the Caritas Baby Hospital, the only pediatric hospital in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that cares for poor children; the Aida Refugee Camp near Bethlehem, where the Holy Father will deliver an address, and much more.

"Coverage will also include Pope Benedict’s meetings with numerous other heads of state, including the King and Queen of Jordan, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and with other religious leaders, including the Greek Orthodox, Latin and Armenian Catholic patriarchs, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, the chief rabbis of Israel, and many others.

"EWTN News Director Raymond Arroyo will anchor the English coverage. Spanish coverage will be anchored by Alejandro Bermúdez, director of EWTN Noticias, EWTN’s Spanish news service, as well as director of the Catholic News Agency, and by Father Daniel Cardó Soria, chaplain of St. Malo Retreat Center in Lyons, Colorado, and an expert on the life and papacy of Pope Benedict.

"For a complete television itinerary, with air times, please go to The event will be carried worldwide in English and Spanish on the EWTN television network, which is carried by EWTN’s cable affiliates, DirecTV, Dish Network, and AT&T U-verse. For a complete radio itinerary, please go to The event will be carried on EWTN through Sirius Satellite Radio and EWTN AM & FM radio affiliates. In addition, the event will be streamed live on EWTN’s website ("

Concerning last week's report that the Akron Zoo was outside of the Saint Sebastian boarders: Adoro sent in this little reminder. (It is a picture of the Saint Sebastian rectory.)


  1. Fr. V., I love the pic with you and your dog! And somehow, it also makes the Zoo sign even MORE appropriate! :-)

  2. Yes, Father, thanks for showing us a picture of your dog--a good dog, and a lucky dog to have such a good master.

  3. FOCUS has an active ministry on our local State University Campus in conjunction with the Catholic Campus Parish. We have a young lady living with us this currently ending school year who has been involved with FOCUS for a couple of years on campus. She graduated last year; her fiance graduates this next week. June 1 they report to a summer-long FOCUS training location. At the conclusion they will be assigned to work for a year at a College Campus somewhere in the USA. In order to help them preserve their engagement, they will be assigned to different campuses. Lord willing, they can pick-up their relationship after they serve the Lord for a year. There are a lot of terrific young people out there.

  4. We visited the National Shrine last summer. It's breathtaking.
    It's about a 10 minute cab ride from the White House.
