Monday, April 20, 2009


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "[This] is the proper role of the apologist. It is not my role, nor am I able, to convince or convert any non-Catholic. My role is to present the truth accurately. It is the Holy Spirit's role to make the conversions, and he does a wonderful job . . ." Russel L. Ford in This Rock

QUOTE II: "We utter cries of horror when a mother in South Carolina drowns her two little boys. Had she aborted them shortly before their birth, society would have accepted this moral abomination as her right, and she would have remained a "respectable" citizen." Dr. Alice von Hildebrand in This Rock


Adoremus Bulletin provides this link to the Women for Faith and Family site. "Following are the classic Catholic mealtime prayers, said before and after meals. Along with the English translation, the Latin version is included here, as many Catholic families are discovering that teaching children these very short prayers in Latin is a good way to introduce them to the traditional universal language of the Catholic Church that is part of every Catholic's heritage." Many other prayers may be found also.

Are you interested in seeing a streaming video of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in France? The Catholic Universe Bulletin provided this link.

This Rock suggests checking out Fr. Longenecker's blog. He is a convert to the faith and a regular contributor to the magazine.

The Adoremus Bulletin reports (can you tell I am trying to catch up on my reading) that there is a new iTunes application that makes it possible to access the Breviary on your iPhone. It costs about $1.10 with all proceeds going to charity.

Steve sent this in about a new site for Catholics by Catholics: "Our FREE community has a Library, a Forum, Catholic Quizzes, Image Gallery, Classified , Ads, Polls and much much more. Start your very own Prayer Group and meet Catholics from around the world. There is no community like it on the Internet. Join the Catholic Expert Catholic Community today. "

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter want you to know about this Catholic News Service article that states that the general mood of Catholics about the faith is positive.

What is your knowledge of cars? Frank sent this quiz in for you to try. (I was moderately poor at it.)

P. C. sent this video on concerning Penn Jillette, outspoken atheist, speaking about being proselytized. Interesting.

Fr. D sent this in. It was T.V. last night. It may need to be previewed before showing to younger persons. The payoff is at the end.

1 comment:

  1. Is Fr. Longeneck your long lost (older) brother, Fr. V.? I didn't know he had written so many books. The iTunes breviary can be had in Latin, too (the English version is a bit shakey, though).
