Tuesday, April 21, 2020


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "God is not a symbol of goodness; goodness is a symbol of God."  G. K. Chesterton


Last night we live-streamed Theology on the Rocks from the rectory.  Normally at Tangier's Restaurant, since we can't gather we thought this would be a "bandaid" to see us through until we can all get together again.

Seminarian Intern Ian Kelly and Seminarian Stage Hand Joe Menkhaus wired up the house and directed the chaos.  You would not have had most of these services if it had not been for their forced lab - er - I mean diligent work.
Thank you to everybody who has donated funds and equipment to make these things possible.  You are awesome!

The highlight on screen for me was Fr. Simone's Bongo solo.
If you get a chance to walk, notice that Fr. Pfeiffer NEVER gets distracted which is a feat because . . .
There were ALL KINDS of antics going on!  Seminarians crawling on the floor under cameras shots to fix things, equipment being moved around, dogs, people, conversations all a couple of feet away from the action.   
This morning, Fr. Simone and I were saying that, as much fun as we had last night, we are thankful we don't do this professionally every day.  But we are glad we got to try it.  

Here is the show if you are interested:

1 comment:

  1. The presentation was very well done. Nothing distracted us from understanding Father Pfeiffer's message.

    Had you not told us, we would have had no idea how complex and labor-intensive the preparation and production process was.

    Same with the 30 minutes of music beforehand, which also also went well. You all made it look easy.
