Tuesday, July 16, 2019


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "The man who won't give up comfort for success makes a bad partner."  from Richrd Stark's, "The Jugger"

QUOTE II:  "The necessary can always be done."  same source.


Last night was Theology on the Rocks with Fr. Zerucha.  There were over 90 people who fit FAR better in this new venue.  The food was a step up from last month.

 Thanks to seminarian Joe Mannerino who provided entertainment on the piano.
 All kinds of plant improvements going on at the parish - but these make me smile a little more - a new fence in the cutting garden:
 And our flagpole was painted!
From last night's talk - Should we baptize extraterrestrials?  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photo of our good pastor, Father Chris. He was looking to his left, and everyone else was looking in the opposite direction! (I am certain aliens were to blame for the lights going off and on at the chandeliers - the ones that looked like oversized lampshades!)

    It was my first Theology on the Rocks, but not the last! We had such a nice time with our parishioners from St. Bernard, our sister parishioners from St. Mary (we all agreed we wanted to support Fr. Chris, who is much loved by all of us), and everyone else, including your own good people from St. Sebastian. Yes, we all enjoyed the food (but we from St. B would have been satisfied with baloney sandwiches - we aren't picky eaters!)

    Thank you so much for your hospitality and warm welcome - you, Fr. Anthony, Seminarian Joe, Marcy, Terry, and especially your dear Cathy! Well done - you surely know how to throw a party!

    God bless and protect all here - Sue from St. B
