Tuesday, April 3, 2018


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "To sacrifice ourselves to God (to the highest good, if you like) does not mean to suffer silently and willingly when some person or organization demands more from us, consistently, than is offered in return.  That means we are supporting tyranny, and allowing ourselves to be treated like slaves.  It is not virtuous to be victimized by a bully, even if that bully is oneself."  from Jordan Peterson's, "12 Rules for Life.

QUOTE II:  "There are so many ways that things can fall apart, or fail to work altogether, and it is always wounded people who are holding it together."  same source


This might be difficult to make out, but this was taken during an almost full moon on Good Friday night inside the completely dark church.  It was beautiful in a way on easily picked up on film.

 And here is the beginning of our restoration process that kicked off on Easter Monday.
 Thanks to our amazing Knight of Columbus and other volunteers, we are well on our way!

On Maundy Thursday morning there was a (relatively minor) fire in the Innovation Lab in the school.
Perhaps we can learn such lessons less innovatively in the future.
 Crews were called in to fix, replace, and clean.
This group of ladies is in a classroom washing BOOKS!  We should have had this fire back when the flu was going around.  The place is being SCOURED!
In Zwisler Hall, workers are preparing the floor to be refinished.  (Easter Monday was not the quiet day I had planned.)
Five and a half minutes:

1 comment:

  1. We are very fortunate that Lynn, our Music Director at St Sebastian, is very concerned with selecting music for our Masses that are appropriate for the Season and the Act. She does a super job.
