Friday, January 19, 2018


Relief for a war weary world would come on September 2nd 1945 when the Japanese would sign an instrument of surrender aboard the USS Missouri bringing to an end World War II.  Over 300 men and women of St. Sebastian served in the war with 14 having given their lives in service to their country.  To commemorate the outstanding service of so many of the parish’s people, a military shrine dedicated to St. Sebastian was erected and dedicated on Memorial Day.  Unfortunately, the shrine was lost during a much later renovation of the original church building.

After the war, those who were in the armed forces organized what became, for a time, one of the parish’s most active groups.  A charter document proclaims, “By the Authority of the Catholic War Veterans, of the United States of America, Be It Known that the following members of the Roman Catholic Church, and Citizens of the United States of America; (here were listed hundreds of names) who served in the various wars and campaigns of the United States and were honorably discharged from such service, are hereby authorized to organize and conduct a Post in full accordance with the constitution of the Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America in Akron, in the state of Ohio, to be known as St. Sebastian Post Number 1632.”

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