Tuesday, September 19, 2017


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."  Voltaire

QUOTE II:  ". . . the Church is the only thing defending whatever is at the moment stupidly despised."  G. K. Chesterton


A couple people sent THIS article in about "How Do We Fund Sacred Art in the Church?"
Speaking of the Beautiful, Eucharistic Devotions continues at St. Sebastian Parish with closing ceremonies tonight at 7PM.  Come say hello to Him sometime today!
This little guy is at One of a Kind Pets.  I am in the market for a pal for Sebastian, but I don't have what it takes at the moment to care for a guy this small.  But that face . . .  
This past Saturday was the Open House and Dedication of the Julie Billiart School at St. Sebastian, Akron.  It was a great turn out!  Below is the painting by Eric Armusik that was unveiled that day.

One of our parishioners is studying at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and had recently won a Magic contest.  Here is his video  (12mins):

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