Wednesday, February 22, 2017


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "To desire the construction of something is to desire the destruction of whatever prevents its construction."  G. K. Chesterton in "Negative and Positive Morality"

QUOTE II:  "It is shorter to state the things that are forbidden than the things permitted precisely because most things are permitted and only a few things are forbidden."  same source


This past Tuesday, Fr. G. David Bline asked me to be a guest on the St. Francis de Sales radio show, "The Mercy Show" on 1590 WAKR which will air on Sunday at 10:30.  After that you can find it by clicking on "The Mercy Show" on the St. Francis de Sales web page HERE.
This past Monday we had our first Theology on the Rocks at D'Agnese's on White Pond.  We set up for 50 people hoping and praying to get 40.  But but the time doors opened at 7PM we were already at standing room only.  By the time we started speaking there was somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 and we had to start turning people away at the door.  
Thank you to everybody who turned out!  It was nice to have so many people there to sing happy birthday to Fr. Pfeiffer who would have preferred to have passed the night anonymously.
Special thanks to our volunteers (almost all of whom are pictured) who had to give the news to the people in line that we would not be able to accommodate them.  
KCP found the article about which I spoke that night.  If you are interested you may find it HERE.

For more information about TOR, keep an eye out HERE.

For those interested it Theology on Tap Akron, go HERE.

Our Apostolic Administrator issued the following decree for all of you Irish and want to be Irish out there.  I look forward to him doing the same thing for Slovenian Day.

David sent in THIS article entitled "Technology vs Reality."

Last week I wrote to you about Mr. Mark Nowakowski.  Mary sent in THIS provocative article about him.

2 Minutes of happiness:


  1. I guess I've become used to the Friday/St. Patrick's Day dispensation over the years... but I've come to expect it because... well... people will find a way to eat some sort of corned beef flavored product and I feel like Jesus would have strongly condemned the expansion of tofu-based-meat-replacement products.

    It's one thing that his message could be tarnished by the association, but another thing altogether that the Church could be seen to be complicit in propagating the further spread of such heresy.

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