Monday, October 31, 2016


So this weekend I started the homily with a little joke.
Yesterday the St. Sebastian Parish School football team (the West Side Saints) won the CYO championship.  Between that, the Cavs, and the Indians, it seems almost too much for northeast Ohioans to bear.  It is washing over us like survivor's guilt.  After so long a drought, it seems some how wrong that so much good fortune should fall upon us.
I'll tell you this much though:  I've not seen so much spontaneous, public praying on T.V. since I caught Mass on EWTN.  

We are also physically unprepared for such luck to be bestowed upon us.  I mean - seriously - how many nights can we stay up until midnight to watch baseball and still function without having built up to it over the years like other cities?  
But still, the only reason I am glad we didn't win last night is that by the time we would have won, the church alarms would have been armed and I wouldn't have been able to ring the steeple bells in thanksgiving to God.    

I doubt baseball will change.  So from now on I am napping between the 2nd inning and the 7th inning stretch.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, Father. We don't know how to act. Even if the Cubs win (God help me and heaven forbid), good for them. They have suffered and been loyal for so long to their team, just as we have. And their homeless shelters in Chicago will win the bet when Bishop Lennon sends pierogies, Polish sausage, and sauerkraut (and if we win, the Cleveland homeless will win Chicago-style pizza from their Archbishop)! At least we have learned how to be good losers over the years!

    I bought my husband a shirt yesterday that says, "I Want To Party Like It's 1948"!

    I wish my father and my father-in-law were still alive to see the Cavs and the Indians do so well. They would have been ecstatic about this.

    God bless you, and GO TRIBE!

    smk, ofs
