Tuesday, July 19, 2016


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "Familial bonds are not created through the
transfer of information.  They are forged through experience over time.  They are the sum of Potty Training times Sick Days, of Nights Spent Jslieeling in the Same Bed times Knee Scrapes Kissing in Playgrounds.  The Intimacy of parents and children is not used on data as much as it is on proximity."    from Noah Hawley's, "The Good Father"

QUOTE II:  "Divorce is a kind of hypocrisy, and kids are smart.  They know the difference between the life you promise them and the life they have."  same source


I didn't have a chance to review this for you first but Fr. Rene sent this in (he occasionally stays at St. Sebastian when he is in town.)  The first one seems to focus more on fathers and how they can transmit the faith to their children.  See it HERE.  The second one is for mothers.  Find it HERE.

I liked this bumper sticker (at least the second one) that was spotted in Highland Square.

Cindy sent the following clip in.  If you are so inclined, skip ahead to approximately 18:15 and see the lady who attended the 1:00 Mass at St. Sebastian this past weekend.  She is in town covering the RNC.  Thanks Cindy.

Cindy also sent in this article about a young lady who is able to go into a religious order because someone paid off her student debt.  Read more HERE.

That reminds me of the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations.  Here is a description from their website:      
"The Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations is privileged to assist men and women to follow God's call to service in the Church through a life of consecration. We operate theSt. Joseph Student Debt Relief Grant Program for religious life and the St. John Vianney Student Debt Relief Grant Program for the parish priesthood. These grants eliminate the delay many young people encounter as they struggle to pay off their student debts before they can enter religious life. A grant pays candidates' student loan payments while they are in formation for either religious life or the priesthood"  See more HERE.

Here is part 8 of our crash course in philosophy.

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