Tuesday, June 7, 2016


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” from G. K. Chesterton's, "The Everlasting Man"


Ellen sent this in:  "I'm sending this along to all my Chesterton friends.  St. Dominic in Youngstown is having three Dominican Rite Masses next month, in honor of the OP 800th anniversary. Brief tutorials will precede each Mass. 

"More details on the attached flyer.

"Perhaps you could include this announcement in your blog too?  Thanks."
For you who have been following, I am happy to announce that the bird in the flower box of my window has given birth!  Isn't it a cute little tyke?
I was walking in downtown Barberton last week with Fr. Orndorff and came across this which brought some amount of happiness.  I know it is difficult to read so I'll just tell you what it is.  It is the Walk of Fame in front of the Lake Theater.  There are three people on it so far.  To the far left of the first picture is O. C. Barber, (Ohio Columbus Barber - what name - destined for greatness with a name like that) who is the founder of the city. 
To the right of the bottom picture is Archbishop John Whealon, a native of Barberton.  (When I was a seminarian I purchased his Liber Usualis for $2 - going for about $100 at the time from used book stores - at a tag sale in Barberton.  Talk about savings.) 

The remaining one IN THE MIDDLE is my Uncle Frankie Spetich, "Musician - Polka King!"  Talk about a place of honor within a place of honor.  I am glad Barberton has its priorities straight.
Here is the next installment in a crash course in Philosophy - about 9 minutes.

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