Tuesday, February 10, 2015


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "You are as sick as your sickest secret and you will remain sick as long as long as it is a secret.:  from the 12 Step Program
QUOTE II:  "If a philosophy is impossible to live out, that's a good sign that it simply wrong."  unknown
From the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter: Pope Francis will be speaking to a joint meeting of congress.  Read more HERE.
"In our time, when someone says, “I don’t agree with all of the teachings of the institutional Church,” you can bet your house that the disagreement has nothing to do with three Persons in one God, but rather two persons in one bed."  This is a quote from an article that Matt sent in.  Read more HERE.
Two things:  The first is that I recommend listening to the First Friday Club of Greater Akron podcast of the talk given by Brother Guy Consolmagno.  You may find it HERE.  And here is this week's video (about 3 minutes) 

1 comment:

  1. One of the MA Theology students at Catholic Distance University, to fulfill the requirements for graduation, submitted his thesis one year ago today.

    The topic was "Faith engaging science. Theological speculation around the existence of non-human sentient beings; compatibility with Catholic doctrine; their need for redemption and its relation to the Incarnation and Cross of Jesus Christ".

    He really pondered and explored the topic at great depth. Lots of food for thought indeed!
