Wednesday, October 15, 2014


There is a lot of discussion about how boring certain priests can be.  Almost nobody talks about how boring a congregation can be.
Now, I am fortunate so this is definitely not about St. Sebastian.  But if your priest appears boring during the prayers of the Mass, look around and see to what he may be responding.  When he offers a prayer, do the people respond?  When he looks out at the congregation, does he see prayers in rapt attention or people with half closed eyes, arms cross, and a scowl that says, “Okay, entertain me.”  Is he dragging the people through the Mass like a man dragging a dead, wet cow across a sandy beach?  That can zap your energy.
Yes!  Priest (I) can be incredibly boring and priests are responsible for the lion’s share of the mood.  But are you, who have been anointed priest, prophet, and king at your baptism, giving him something with which to work?  Do you bring energy and prayer and ministry? 
It may or may not work in your particular situation but it can’t hurt and it certainly can help – if you don’t want your priest to be boring – don’t be boring yourself.


  1. Is this a picture of me at the vespers service last night? I was going to just come and pray at church for a half an hour but ended up staying for the service. I am glad I stayed but must confess I did take a little snoze. It was so warm and cozy in the church. So Sorry, nothing personal.

  2. Wednesday 15 Oct 2014

    Dear Father Valencheck,
    Well Excusssssse Meeeeeee!

    About me falling asleep at mass last Sunday.

    1. I've had a cold all this week and I was taking medications that make me so sleepy.

    2. I was up all Saturday night with my cat "Twinkles". She was bringing up one hairball after another. I do not expect you to understand since you are a "dog" person.

    So Please forgive me. I'll try to do better.

  3. Ha!

    And just a reminder that at the beginning of the article I said this is NOT a problem at St. Sebastian. ;>)

    I'll try to do better too.

  4. Father,

    You do seem to be paying attention to the prayers you offer at Mass, even putting natural inflections into the phrasing of the prayers.

    If the priest takes time to "work at" his role, so should we also.

    Thanks for the reminder.
