Tuesday, March 18, 2014


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  This week's quotes come from the St. Sebastian Chesterton Society's reading of the first half of "Manalive."  "The truth is that when people are in exceptionally high spirits, really wild with freedom and invention, they always must, and they always do, create institutions.  When men are weary they fall into anarchy; but while they are gay and vigorous they invariably make rules."
QUOTE II:  "And will you tell me what the deuce is the good of a jewel except that it looks like a jewel?  Leave off buying and selling, and start looking!  Open your eyes, and you'll wake up in the New Jerusalem."
Dixon Studios has a church salvage service.  One of the interesting things is that if they got it for free, they will pass it along to a good home.  (Church home that is.)  See more here.

Mary sent this in:  "Here's something you might like to add to Tuesday's blog, an official Vatican online book to commemorate the one year anniversary of Pope Francis's election as pope, with words he has spoken throughout the year, accompanied by photos. The phrases are each linked to the full text of the document from which they are excerpted."  Thanks.  Here is the site.
This week's video was sent in by Fr. McCandless, vocations director for the Diocese of Cleveland.  See it here.

1 comment:

  1. Your vocation video link doesn't work. :(

    However, I was able to chop off the "Edufilter" part of the URL and found out that it is none other than one of my very favorite podcast and Lighthouse Media CD priests, Fr. Mike Schmitz on "What is a Vocation?" If folks like his message, they can hear hundreds of his homilies at his University of Minnesota, Duluth, Newman Catholic Center homily page. He actually gets away with a full 25 minute homily for young people every week!
