Tuesday, December 17, 2013


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "You don't always have to destroy a wounded animal.  Sometimes you just remove the thorn."  from the show "Dexter" season three finale.
QUOTE II:  "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know."  Harry S. Truman
This sent in from Sarah:  "Dear Fr. V,  Interesting article about a Jesuit astronomer at the Vatican in the Detroit Free Press. (Of course I relate because he grew up in the Parish where Ron and I were married - and I'm a "scientist" too!). Thought you might enjoy his closing comments about God and science..."  Read more and see the video here.
From the same source:  I can't believe this . . . but it was inevitable.  There are now ceremonial tablet cases so you can use your computer at Mass.  Did I really not see this coming?  Will you use this Pf?  See more here.
Ron sent this in:  Dog in Italy attends Mass.  See article and picture here.
From the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter:  "Pope Francis received a group of non-resident Ambassadors to the Holy See on Thursday in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican.  The Holy Father focused his remarks to his guests on the scourge of human trafficking, denouncing the practice as a “real form of slavery” and calling for renewed and concerted efforts to end the inhuman trade."  See more here.
From the same source:  "Did you know, February 8 has been designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as a Day of Prayer for Survivors and Victims of Human Trafficking?"  See more here.



  1. Truman gave the signal to drop the bomb . . . . in my opinion, it was the greatest atrocity since the beginning of time.


  2. My mom always told me that her grandpa looked like Harry Truman. I thought maybe there was some sort of resemblance but didn't know what Harry looked like. Then I was watching something on PBS and he was giving a speech. But for the odd Midwestern accent, he could've been her grandpa...
