Sunday, October 20, 2013


Last week the rectory staff went on a little get away.  We go every year.  It is always a challenge to figure out where we will go because no two people on staff enjoy doing the same thing.  But we try.  But it is always a challenge.  There was the year we went canoeing and found out one person didn't like to get wet.  She was pretty successful at it too until we pulled ashore where the buses were to pick us up.  She stepped out of the canoe and fell backwards into two feet of water.  Just enough to get soaking wet.
I wrote to you last year about our pontooning trip.  We all jumped off to go swimming and then realized we couldn't get back on board.
This year we decided to avoid water altogether.
One person thought a trip to a winery/pumpkin patch would be great.  It was very nice.  We had a bon fire on a brisk day that eventually turned very warm.  We were going to make smores but the chocolate was sitting in the sun and turned to soup.  Actually that works.  Just cut a snip in the end of the package and pretend that it is chocolate sauce and apply to your marshmallows like soy sauce in those plastic packages at a Chinese restaurant.
The biggest problems was that the bees were out in full force. 
Sorry of you can't read that.  It's late Sunday night and I don't feel like redrawing it.

Part of the trip included a hay ride out to pick our own pumpkins.  You know what, you don't realize how heavy a pumpkin can be until you carry it three quarters of a mile.
Part of the hay ride was to stop and watch pig races.  It was my first time.  It was entertaining.
All in all, one of our better trips.


  1. I'm glad you post the drawings on Mondays. It always gives me a good chuckle to start the week!

  2. Yeah, it's good to have the cartoons back after a hiatus of a couple of weeks!

    If folks have trouble reading the print, all they have to do is click on the drawing to see it in a much larger size.

    I still want to meet that staff member with the pile of blue hair and the red cat glasses.

  3. I think that's one of Marge Simpson's cousins. Or is it her aunt?

  4. No . . . . it's her grandmother
