Friday, August 2, 2013


St. Therese was all about doing every little thing with love and for the glory of God.  If she washed floors, she gave thanks that she was able to do this for someone and did the work with great care because she did it for God.  That way every action we perform – every action we perform – can become a greater connection to God.
I try to remember that as I wash dishes while our machine is down.

“Try” is the operative word.
The next paragraph of Lumen Gentium (34) reminds us that God wishes to give His Spirit to every person in order that they may perform these “good and perfect works.”  Julian of Norwich fans might see a little of her theology reflected here.  All things given to God can be made good and for the glory of God and our benefit.

At your baptism, Sacred Chrism was put on your head and (among other roles) you were anointed priest.  For a priest to fulfill his duties he must offer sacrifice.  (That is the definition of a priest – one who responsible for the sacrifice.)  There are many chances to offer sacrifices in daily life – “in family and married life, daily work, relaxation of mind and body” and even hardships, if they are accomplished in the Spirit and through Christ are sacrifices acceptable to God. 
Personally I find it very cool that relaxation was included.  Not only do we have a great God who is almost like a doting grandmother, “You need your rest!  You will take it easy today!” we also have a Church that says the same.  When possible, as a priority, we are to rest.  But not simply rest, but rest in God.  Even rest can be for our sanctification.  (So be careful about going to see that R rated film for your rest.)
Of course this culminates in the Eucharist, our source and summit.  After have received God’s gifts, we are sent out into the world to be priests, prophets, and kings, living the life, transforming our world, and offering sacrifices.  But then we are to return to the Eucharist and offer all that we have done with the Eucharistic sacrifice.  That is why we must have full, conscious, and active participation at the Mass.  We must actively offer our sacrifice.  Remember the new translation, “Pray my (brothers and sisters) that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father.”  What a monumental missed opportunity Mass is when we go through it brain dead not offering our own sacrifice and relying on the priest to keep us entertained.  We are not there to be entertained.  Hopefully we are given the environment to do what we are supposed to be there to do, to offer ourselves and our sacrifices as the priesthood of the laity.


  1. You definitely lead by example: how blessed we are to have a priest who celebrates each Mass as though it were the first, the last, the only.

  2. Thank you. I attribute that to Fr. Ozimek, my home pastor as a youth, who always seemed so absorbed in the Mass. He is one of the reasons I became a priest.

  3. Thank you Fr. Ozimek. Now, may your inspiration to Fr. V lead a new generation of Catholic Faithful to give all for our Christ

  4. Thank you for the reminder to be grateful and joyful for all things.

  5. Ro, each Mass is the first, the last, the only; each is a bloodless representation of Calvary and we go back in time for it.
