Tuesday, June 18, 2013


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "There is nothing in politics or society which has not originated in the human mind.  Whatever the heart, in its secret depths, conceives and imagines, for good or ill, will manifest itself outwardly in time."  Meister Eckhart
QUOTE II:  "Why can't the priest make up the presidential prayers like he does his homily as was the practice in the early years of the Church?  Because the Church doesn't have to say "Amen" to the homily."  Bishop Wilton Gregory
Frank sent in a video about birds in the rain forest.  It is interesting if nothing else.  Here is a link to the 5 minute video.
Sharon sent this 5 minute video in (you only need to watch half of it - the second half is not that interesting.)  It is a dance performance - circle of life and all that.  I wasn't even going to watch it but found it fascinating.  Thanks
Pat sent this in:  Mark Birk, former Baltimore Raven had this to say, "Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year. I am Catholic, I am active in the Pro-Life movement and I just felt like I couldn't deal with that. I couldn't endorse that in any way. I'm very confused by [Obama's] statement. For God to bless a place where they're ending 330,000 lives a year? I just chose not to attend.Read more of the article here.
Mary sent this in: "I think you (and your readers) might also appreciate the words of our Holy Father in his homily on Wednesday about the dual temptations faced by the Church today, first that of wanting to hold on to the past too tightly and second, that of an "adolescent progressivism" . Both of these tendencies find expression in both architecture and music in the Church."
This is a 20 minute video on the conversion of Peter Kreeft to Catholicism:

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love Peter Kreeft! What a great gift he is to the Church with his articulate defense of not only the Catholic faith, but of Christianity and Theism.

    The video you embedded seems offer a variety of Q's and A's. His full conversion story can be found in this longer video from that same evening. For another great Kreeft video, check out his "How to Win the Culture War" in which he offers Screwtape's strategy for how to undermine Christianity.
