Tuesday, November 27, 2012


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "A modern vegetarian is also a teetotaler, yet there is no obvious connection between consuming vegetables and not consuming fermented vegetables. A drunkard, when lifted laboriously out of the gutter, might well be heard huskily to plead that he had fallen there through excessive devotion to a vegetable diet.” – G.K. Chesterton  h/t to Ellen
QUOTE II:  "Never drink and try to entertain."  Frances Valencheck
Well, no solution has presented itself yet to my picture dilemma.  I've gone on to these threads and it seems that an unusual amount of people were suddenly given the same message at the exact same time and no amount of deleting seems to be doing any good besides going ahead and buying the extra space.  This reminds me remarkably about the time I was locked out of my AOL account for a month and then suddenly it just came back amid a lot a Emails about "buy protection for your AOL account so that nobody can ever take it over and lock you out."
. . . *ahem*
So I will wait a little bit.  Maybe it is true and they just had a major purging which is just fine - but there is still some sort of bug there and I am not ready to make any drastic changes just yet.

(The pictures today were not uploaded new.  They were previously uploaded.)
Fr. D sent this in:   "Would you please let your readers know that Borromeo Seminary is playing Saint Mary Seminary in basketball at our annual Holy War at the CPL Field House this Saturday night? The game begins at 7:15pm and admission is free. We'd like to pack the gym and allow the good folks of the diocese of Cleveland to see our seminarians engage in some healthy competition. Also, there will be entertainment, giveaways, contests, and prizes. Borromeo will also be introducing their new pep band!"
From the artist that did the paintings of Saint Sebastian for this parish came this:  "The new art book by artist Eric Armusik, "Silent Emotions," is now available for pre-order! This full color book features over three dozen of Eric's paintings."  For more information go here.
This was sent in from the diocese:  "The position for Director of the Lorain Catholic Action Commission,, the social action office serving Lorain and Elyria is open and now posted on the Cleveland Catholic Charities website"  Go here.  It is job listing 22.
THE EMMAUS ROUNDTABLE SITE IS LIVE!  Go here to see it and learn more about the Emmaus Roundtable.
I did not know this story until S.H. of the Halo Foundation showed it to me.  Inspiring!

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