Friday, March 30, 2012


Believe it or not there are about 6 safes and vaults at St. Sebastian.  Some of them have been abandoned and are used for storage more than anything else.  When I first got here we were digging through one in the rectory and way in the back in a black box was this chalice.  We brought it over to the church and had it cleaned up. 

I am told that this is the "Saint Sebastian Chalice."  It was commissioned by our founding pastor Msgr. Zwisler.  He requested that the ladies of the parish who had diamond jewelry that they were no longer wearing donate the diamonds to the parish to be incorporated into a chalice.  (If anybody can collaborate or correct this account it would be appreciated.) 
 That the diamonds were donated from various pieces of jewelry would explain why they differ in size so.  The diamonds range from incredibly small to one of respectable size.  (I wouldn't be too excited about diamonds however - like a car it is amazing how quickly they go down in value once they leave the jewelry shop.  As one lady put it, "Call off an engagement and see how much you can get back for that diamond!) 

Just below the cup there is a ring of 9 diamonds.  At the node there is a Chi Rho made up of 16 diamonds.  Around the node is a ring of 16 diamonds.  Around the base is another ring of 31 diamonds.  There is a circle of diamonds around a "Tau" or Greek letter "T" that represents the Cross.  The circle has 12 diamonds in it and the Tau has 3 diamonds in it.  Also in the Tau are 3 blue sapphires and two tiny pearls.  This makes a total of 87 diamonds, 3 sapphires, and two pearls.  It is very striking
Around the base of the chalice is the inscription, "Sancte Sebastiane ora pro nobis" or "Saint Sebastian pray for us."  Below you can see the paten which is very simple.  There is the interwoven monogram "IHS" for Jesus.  Once again you can see me taking the picture in it.  Thanks to our sacristans for keeping things so well polished!

Saint Sebastianites will see this chalice on feast days that are particularly important to the parish such as on St. Sebastian Day.


  1. I really like the simple elegance of it, esp. the base...

    BTW, as self-confessed grammar officer, it should be 'corroborate', not 'collaborate' in your opening paragraph

  2. 2nd paragraph, that is...

  3. It's beautiful. That's a great story if it is indeed true.

  4. gak

    went back and read. You are indeed correct! I really should employ a proof reader!
