Tuesday, February 28, 2012


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "There may be no more urgent task today than that of renouncing religious superstition and freeing ourselves of its grip, but we're not likely to do so by abandoning the spiritual tradition that taught us to be wary of religious superstition in the first place."  Gil Baily

QUOTE II:  "Secret griefs are more cruel than public calamities."  from Voltaire's, "Candide"


This was sent in this week, "The Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R. of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother now have a Facebook page to spread the news about the Community and the message of God's Merciful Love! It would be awesome if you all could "like" the page and then recommend it to and share it with all of your friends on Facebook! The page is just getting started but its hoped to be a tool to spread the message of God's Merciful Love as well as fun videos, photos and news from the Sisters! Please help us spread the message by spreading the word about the page! Also, be sure to check out the Postulant Entrance photo album for those of you who know Anna Ciarrone as she just recently entered postulancy!"

There has not been a lot of snow this year - but Sebastian enjoyed what little we had.

Attention Chesterton fans - V. D. sent this in, "I want to thank all of you for voting for Gilbert magazine, and for getting the word out to your local society members.  Although Gilbert readers may be considered by some to be a "niche market", we could more aptly be called "Small but Mighty". in other words, what we may lack in numbers, we make up for with zeal and determination! We know we need to make G.K Chesterton more widely known, and this little electoral race is set up to reward our spunk by allowing voters to vote every day. As of this morning, we are in second place with 29% of the total votes, behind Catholic Answers who have 36%. There are just over 3 more weeks of voting."  Cast your vote here.

If you haven't already, please make sure to vote every day , and remind your group members to do the same.

Fr. D sent notice that he has a new article up on WOF blog.  Have a read here

From the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter:  "The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and its President, Cardinal Timothy Dolan dispatched a February 22nd letter to all of the Bishops of the United States including Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon, encouraging all Catholics to "Act now, by contacting our legislators in support of the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act."  Read more here.

Here is a ten minute video to help clear up some of confusion over why the we as Catholics are so upset over the HHS mandate.  H/t to P.V.  You may agree 100% with him but he makes many, many good points.

Debunking the Co-habitation myth.  Read more here.

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