Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today is the fifth anniversary of Adam's Ale!  It appears that the value of the site has gone down about $30 from last year - hopefully that is the work of the economy and not quality of the blog . . .

IN OTHER NEWS: Before today there were 1,418 posts, 280,763 visits with an average of about 175 people per day - still more than hear my daily homilies so I guess we'll keep it up a spot longer at least.

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Yikes!  It used to be rated G.  The site explains that this is because the word abortion is mentioned six times, drugs three times, death twice, and porn once.  Of course if the same criteria were applied to my homilies they likely would be rated an X or two.

It's been way out!

And just for the heck of it - do you need a saint?  Here is a Saint Name Generator.

A final note to all of you readers, you were prayed for today and a candle lit in St. Augustine church in Larchmont NY.


  1. My saint for 2012 is St. Conrad of Piacenza.

  2. I've been reading your blog for a few years now and have loved it from day 1. We don't know each other, and will probably never meet in this lifetime, but you have been instrumental at helping this former fundamentalist Protestant find her way to the Catholic Church ("officially" in 2009!), and I am ever grateful. I pray for you and enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work. :)

  3. Ad multos annos.

    I came across your blog because I wanted a Catholic blog with local flavor. And I have not been disappointed. I share your interest in ecclesiastical art and, in particular, have enjoyed the series on Defining Your Parish.

    A few ad hoc comments. Eight grand is not a bad price for a blog; I note that this is what Mr. Armusik asks for one of his more moderately priced paintings.

    As for the R rating, I suppose I should restrict myself to more PG-13 oriented fare, stuff like Dodgeball for example. But I trust that God will forgive me.

  4. Happy Belated Blogiversary! (or is it Blogaversary?)

  5. I'll take it either way!

    Keller - interested in sharing your story?
