Tuesday, October 18, 2011


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “By now it is more or less possible to have the moon, but when the real boundary – the boundary between heaven and earth, between God and the world – does not open, even the moon is merely an additional piece of earth, and by reaching it man is not brought one step closer to the freedom and plenitude he longs for.” Pope Benedict XIV in “Called to Communion”

QUOTE II: “It’s kind of absurd that in this day and age the Church still allows priests to preach. It is old fashion. Why not just Email the perfect homily from Rome. There would be less heresy preached. It’s because it is not just about the message. It’s about the messenger. An Email cannot generate. Preaching generates. It gives life.” Fr. Peter John Cameron O.P. in a presentation given to the priests of the Diocese of Cleveland


If you read yesterday’s post you know that I lost all of my Emails, have nothing that has been mailed in to Adam’s Ale, and so have nothing to post today! Sorry. Please note my new Email address as I will never be able to open my AOL account again for reasons told in pictorial form yesterday.  Here is just a couple of tidbits.

Here is another game.  Frustrating but enticing.  WARNING:  Addiction level MEDIUM

Ed who got my new Email address already sent in this link about the difference between cats and dogs.

Sorry!  That's all I have today!


  1. Ok I'll be the first stupid one to ask (because I am) where is your new Email address to note? :-D

  2. BTW, love Ed's link about cats and dogs. I have both and it is so true!! Couldn't stop laughing. Thanks.
