Sunday, January 30, 2011


If you came to one of the Masses at which I preached this weekend you would have heard this story already. My apologies.

10 minutes later . . .
Problem solved?

What I thought was reasonable solution No. 2.

Cooperation with one's pastor when he is trying to delegate responsibility makes for much easier living.


  1. And who says priests don't know what it's like to be married? You just described a recurring episode in my marriage (minus the domestic violence). I'm typically the guilty party when it comes to failure to decide on where to eat. My husband claims he'll eat anywhere, until, of course, I start naming places to eat.

    My nine year old daughter is enjoying your sketch posts immensely. In fact, she was asking about your blog at dinner this evening. She wants to know why you keep punching your parochial vicar. You'll probably be amused to know that she refers to him as "the kid" despite the fact that I keep telling her that he's not a kid.

  2. ...the Odd Couple! :)

  3. Under the old Code of Canon Law, if a cleric hit a cleric, was he excommunicated (even if the cleric on the receiving end deserved it)?

  4. ROFL! I completely identify with Karen's first paragraph. My husband doesn't care which restaurant until I pick one, then another, then another.....

  5. I was there, but I didn't hear a word of it . . . bad acoustics . . . . try Rockne's . . . it's good . . . the only thing about Rockne's is that they don't serve Thirsty Dog


  6. I hope you are saving all these drawings Fr V. You may find that after a long and fulfilling career, they may just get published and fund your pastoral retirement some place tropical!


  7. Even though I did hear the homily, now I can see what really happened!
