Friday, June 25, 2010


The following four pictures hang in the rectory of Saint Sebastian. You goal is to identify the paintings.



1. Who is person A and how do you know it?
2. Who is person B and how do you know it?
3. Who is person C and how do you know it?
4. Who is person D and how do you know it?
To be honest, we know for sure who and why two of the men are. The other two we know who they are but not necessarily which is which but have our best guest. This is a ploy to get you to help us!


  1. A. St. Luke? He has a weighty volume on the table...the Gospel surely? and paints and easel...painting the Icon now known as the Black Madonna?

    B. St. John? He's writing, he's beardless, and young, as he is often presented.

    C. - D. Since this appears to be a series of the Evangelists, I would guess Mark for C and St. Matthew for D, for reasons both of age, and the way Mark is enveloped in his cloak. I can't help but think of Bishop Fulton Sheen's anecdote about Mark being stripped of his garment by a Roman Soldier and running naked into the night.

    I am no expert concerning art, but there's my best guess. :)

  2. Jacobitess, you get a gold star. To add to the game, here is another question . . . .who selected these pictures?, and when? . . . . . my guess is . . . . Father Zwisler . . . . or maybe Father Byrider . . . . . what are your guesses, Father Valencheck?

  3. Actually . . .

    I did - they were discarded and I liked them. Cost = free
