Tuesday, May 18, 2010


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “Catholicism is, and always has been, inseparable from the high ideal of chastity. When I say this I don’t mean that Catholics have always practiced chastity. Not at all. . .while committing sexual sins they have recognized that these really were sins: or, in others words, they felt guilty. . . If Catholicism is to be revived in the United States, this revival will have to include a revival of the deal of chastity . . . we can be sure that sexual sin will continue to abound . . . [but] unlike their typical fellow Americans, [Catholics should] feel guilty about their sins, and will perhaps commit them a bit less frequently than they have been doing for the past few decades.” from Dr. David Carlin’s article, “Thick and Thin Catholicism” in the Homiletic and Pastoral Review May 2010

QUOTE II: “The problem with evil people is that they can only see evil in others. It is one of the worse curses of being evil, that you can no longer experience good.” from Michael Gruber’s, “The Book of Air and Shadows”


M. sent in this article InsideCatholic.com in which a priest asks people what they think of the new changes to the Mass.

F. sent in this great 5 and half minute video about Easter morning in Budapest.

Fr. Pf. sent over this video of the oldest known footage of a pope (1896). Interesting!

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter reports, "The Vatican has given its 'recognitio,' or statement of acceptance, of the proposed U.S. version of the new edition of the Roman Missal. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) now must decide when to authorize its use in dioceses and parishes in the United States." Read more here.
Fr. F. made us aware of this EXCELLENT video found over at the Mintority Report. Before you comment be aware of this: It was made by the kind of church that it parodies. Thanks friend.

Here are some interesting statistics from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate that was printed in the last edition of The Universe Bulletin. DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? Of the approximately 440 men who will be ordained to the priesthood this year in the United States:

70% are white
13% are Latino
31% were born outside of the U. S.
10% were converts to Catholicism
12% had experience as an educator.
59% name music, reading, and movies as popular pastime activities.

You are in luck! For some reason I cannot open my alternate Email accounts and so this is all I can offer today!

1 comment:

  1. B. fits in the 70% white and will in a couple years fit in the 12% had experience as an educator. Does that increase his chances?;)
