Tuesday, March 30, 2010


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "This focus on the external manifestation of success leads many priests to do, do, do. To go, go, go. in short, to turn into workaholics. Too easily, then, we become obsessed with the success of the pancake breakfast, the parish festival, the drive to raise money for World Youth Day. . . As a result, the pastor is unable, in many cases, to tend fully to the spiritual needs of his people. His role as prophet and spiritual leader, in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, receives short shrift." Fr. Alvaro Delgado from "Year for Priests: Presence and Not Production" in "Homiletic and Pastoral Review"

QUOTE II: "Without humility it is impossible to appreciate anything. Even pride." from G. K. Chesterton's "Orthodoxy"


Don't forget! Tell your friends! Post it on your site if you would be so kind! G. K. Chesterton is coming to Saint Sebastian's Zwisler Hall (476 Mull Avenue, Akron, OH 44320) on Easter Monday at 7PM.

"John C. "Chuck" Chalberg is an American historian, who also travels about as this noted Englishman. I'm the same "Chesterton" who appears on EWTN's "The Apostle of Common Sense" with Dale Ahlquist of the American Chesterton Society. The show itself is set in 1934 and pretends that Mr. C. is on his third tour of America. (He was here in 1921 and 1930.) He is an a lecture tour. But he tends to forget that; hence he will drift into and out of lecture mode. Along the way, he will have much to say on any number of topics. He will defend the Faith; he will tell the audience about his early life and about the importance of family among other topics/themes. He will be serious and funny--sometimes at the same time. He will also field questions, both in character and out of character."

Admission is free though if you wish to help off set the cost to the newly forming Chesterton Society it would be appreciated. See more about the newly forming Akron society here and read more about Mr. Chalberg here.

Fr. Pfeiffer took this picture of Sebastian while I was on vacation. Do you SEE why this dog steals my heart???

M. sent this in. I was Okay with it thinking that it was old - but it is very recent. It was like watching a slow motion car accident in which you kept asking yourself, "Why don't I turn away?" We stopped counting the liturgical abuses when we ran out of fingers.

Michelle sent this in: "EWTN Global Catholic Network has entered into an agreement with Catholic News Agency to share news and resources from around the world to Catholics and those interested in the Catholic faith, Catholic news and Catholic perspectives. To showcase this expanded news service, EWTN has launched a new website" here.

Russel sent in this six and a half minute video. If you got a bad taste in your mouth above, this might sweeten it back up. Thanks!

Fr. F. sent in this link to a thought provoking post on the "Myth of the Pedophile Priest" of at Standing On My Head." Thanks friend.

Here is a seven and half minute video sent in by Eric that should give you a laugh.

P. Sent this 4 and a half minute video. ""It's speech time again and this year, Lia tackled the topic of Euthanasia for her grade 8 speech project. She didn't win the speech contest this year, but she still got an A on her project." February 20, 2010 [Last year Lia won a speech contest for her presentation against abortion.]"

BIG, BIG news coming about the Saint Sebastian Choir! But I promised I wouldn't say what it was until Lynn had a chance to break the news.


1 comment:

  1. I have two nephews, sons of my brother, who are living and working in Korea. They are teaching Korean kids English. I think that it is a law in Korea that Korean kids must learn to speak and understand English. I am sending the Adams Ale blog to them because they are thoughtful guys and they need connections to the Church and to the homeland.
