Tuesday, January 26, 2010


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “Trust in God does not mean that everything is going to be Okay.” Fr. Benedict Groeschel

QUOTE II: “It is very fine and pleasant to think of ourselves as the most put upon folk in history – but then everyone has though that from the beginning. It makes a grand excuse for all manner of laziness.” From Tobias Wolff’s “Old School”


I am on retreat at Trinity Retreat House in Larchmont, New York. It is a retreat house for priests run by the diocese. It is my luck that Fr. Benedict Groeschel is the retreat master.

Today, as had been my custom during the afternoon break, I took a pilgrimage to St. Augustine Parish – a nice little hoof from the retreat house, said some prayers and lit a candle for you.

Several of you were kind enough to send in links to Pope Benedict’s call for priests to blog among other things. Image in that – me – cutting edge. To know me is to know how ridiculous that thought is.

For those of you who may have been waiting we are finally getting ready to launch what might possibly be the only Chesterton Society in the Diocese of Cleveland. (Let me know if I am wrong.) Watch this blog for details.

John sent this in. You might find it interesting. "Dear Friends, I would like to invite all of you on my mailing list who are interested in Church developments to sign up to receive the Dispatch From Rome Newsletters from my pal Bob Moynihan, the dean of Vatican Journalists and editor and publisher of Inside the Vatican magazine. His dispatches are also posted to his Blog The Moynihan Report here: http://www.TheMoynihanReport.com/ There is a subscription link there. Also visit the Inside the Vatican Website here: http://insidethevatican.com/

VERY INTERESTING: This came in from Yellow Line Cinema: SAN DIEGO, CA - 1/21/2010- In 1973, The U.S. Supreme Court gave women a choice. Thirty-seven years later, we're giving them a voice.

Yellow Line Studio announces the premiere of BUMP+, a web series that follows three women facing crisis pregnancies. The pilot is scheduled to launch on Friday, January 22, 2010. Thirteen episodes will follow in February and March; and the final cliffhanger is so unpredictable, even the writers and producers don't know how the series will end.

From Juno and Bella to Glee and Desperate Housewives, a woman's right to choose has been explored across the media landscape. What makes BUMP+ different? We're letting the viewers decide how our characters' stories will end. We've opened the official website to comments and invited people to share their personal stories. Our team will craft the final episodes, including the ultimate decision about each pregnancy, based on audience feedback. This isn't a moral or political statement - it's an experiment to see if story can succeed where nearly four decades of angry rhetoric and political posturing have failed.

That experiment is already underway at our website. A trailer for the pilot has attracted several comments and personal stories from viewers; and the YouTube, Facebook and Twitter following is growing quickly; and as someone with a strong commitment to quality, thought provoking entertainment, we'd like to invite you and your audience to be part of it. For more information, or to schedule an interview with members of the BUMP+ creative team, please contact me personally using the email address or phone number below, or visit our website.


  1. Father, It's nice to know that you are thinking of us back here in the parish and praying for us.

    Your ever-vigilant Sebastian bravely soldiers on, but rumor has it that he misses you.

    I hope you enjoyed your drive through the scenic mountains of Pennsylvania.

  2. Having read your Monday's post on the priesthood, I am not surprised that Pope Benedict XVI is encouraging priests to blog. Keep up the good work, Father, and thanks again.

  3. According to our web site, there are people meeting in Cleveland about Chesterton: see this--The Cleveland Chesterton Club

    All meetings TBA
    Contact: gkcleveland@gmail.com
    Or call (216) 368-2692

    We had our first meeting in December, 2007, at the
    Graselli Library at John Carroll University,
    where we viewed the Chesterton Collection.
    Here are photos and a report:
