Tuesday, June 30, 2009


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “However much you may cultivate your heart, clear the soul of your nature, root out vices, sow virtues, if you do not release the spring of mercy, your fasting will not bear fruit.” St Chrysogonus

QUOTE II: “Perhaps God doesn’t need cathedrals – but we do.” Michael Farrell


L.H. sent this link in concerning the true identity of Saint Paul from CNN.

Ohio Catholics take note! The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter reports, "Governor Strickland has proposed cutting $59 million over the biennium in aid to students attending chartered nonpublic schools. Proposed are cuts in direct reimbursement to our schools (Administrative Cost Reimbursement) and resources and services such as guidance counselors, remedial assistance, and textbooks (Auxiliary Services)." Here's how to take action.

From the same source: "WASHINGTON (CNS) - Charles Zech and Robert Miller have some advice for parishes going through what some have characterized as the greatest period of change in the history of the American Catholic Church brought on by the recent closing and merging of hundreds of parishes across the country." Read more here.

D. H. sent this in. I don't do a lot of advertsing but these Ts look pretty cool.

P. sent this in just as a point of interest. - I thought M.W. would enjoy it, "A news report on "The World Over, Live" (EWTN) stated that the high altar at Westminister Cathedral "has been returned to permanent use." The "temporary altar" installed in the sanctuary since 1982 has been removed, with the approval of the new Archbishop, Vincent Nichols. The decision was made because of positive comments made when the altar was used during the Archbishop's recent installation."

My music director sent this in. Wow! And we are afraid to have kids sing anything past Kumbaya.

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