Monday, March 23, 2009


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "Weston complained about making portraits but those "groans were directed at the soft focus and the arduous retouches of wrinkles and other 'faults' whose erasure was demanded by vanity," wrote Dudy Weston Thomson. "Doing so seemed to him a travesty, 'A denial of life itself!'" By 1915 the sign posted over his retouching desk read, "Liar." -An outtake from a description of the photographer Edward Weston now showing at the Akron Museum of Art.


And now the one, the only: Catholic Carnival 216!

The Theater of the Word sent this site in for you to visit and see clips. Enjoy!

In lent when you hear CRS you might be thinking Catholic Relief Services and Operation Rice Bowl - but this note came from the Cleveland Restoration Society. One of the things that they do is help our churches retain and maintain their grandeur. You may remember that they gave an award last year to The Conversion of Saint Paul Shrine. Here is there response to the closures of Churches in Cleveland.

P. sent this in: ALERT! "The Cleveland Diocese and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are urging Catholics to take action against the proposal by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to rescind federal laws that currently protect the right of conscience of health care professionals. The proposal would jeopardize the jobs of those who refuse to participate in immoral acts that violate the natural law and the teachings of the Church, such as surgical abortions, abortifacient drugs, and euthanasia. Even health care professionals at Catholic hospitals would be affected. You may comment online through the easy-to-use ACTION ALERT (which includes information and suggested comments) on the Diocesan prolife website at Click on the link that says “Protect Conscience Rights in Health Care: Respond to President Obama’s 30-day Comment Period.” Comments can also be submitted electronically by e-mail to If you prefer, you may register your objections via U.S. mail (send one original and two copies) addressed to: Office of Public Health and Science, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Attn: Rescission Proposal Comments, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 716G, Washington, DC 20201. IMPORTANT: The deadline for comments is April 9, 2009."

P. also sent this interesting article in about churches hurting that borrowed during prosperous times.

About a year and a half ago these videos were presented. I went back hoping that there would be more after all this time but alas and alack, such is not the case. Here they are again if you are so interested from The Church You Know.

If you want to get a better sense of what is going on with closing of parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland, look at this map provided by WKYC.

After that you might want to hop on over to Catholic Pages on the Humour page for something a bit more light.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Regarding the mortgage problems of some mega churches, I wonder if the Catholic Church could have found herself in the same circumstances if the Connecticut legislature's proposal (lay-controlled parish finances) had become law.
