Monday, January 26, 2009


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "Think before you pray. Habits without faith can become lifeless, outward practices that a person fulfills only to get on with the rest of life. . . . Even before an opening invocation asking God's help, I find it helpful to pause and recall whom I am speaking with. . . .[then] I am more able to pray and not just say words." Fr. Bob Franco h/t to Pat.

QUOTE NUMBER II: "Unfortunately, we too often have difficulty in loving our enemies because we are afraid they might repent." L. Gregory Jones


MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On Sunday March 15th a play about Hillaire Belloc will be coming to Zwisler Hall here at Saint Sebastian at 1:00. Please come if you are available! It should prove quite an afternoon. More information to follow.

I think this is phenomenal! The Vatican has launched its own Youtube channel! Way to go big guy!

Timothy sent this in. It asks the question, "Was the Star of Bethlehem a real astronomical event? A myth created by the early church? Explore the history and science for yourself..." You will also have to decide for yourself the scientific value of the site but it is fun.


Kay sent this in: "I received this email from Sr. Marie Paule from the Trinitarian Order in Bristol, PA. This Tuesday, January 27th, is a Barnes & Noble Book Fair for St. Anne's School, where some of the Sisters teach. If you need any books or just want to browse, when you buy a book from Barnes & Noble, even buying on-line, some of the proceeds will go to the school. Just present this number when buying your books: 469965 Every penny helps - so even if you need a new bookmark or a small booklet - present the number and help the Trinitarians. Thanks!!"

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter reports, "VATICAN CITY, 21 JAN 2009 (VIS) - Made public yesterday afternoon was a telegram from Benedict XVI to Barack Obama, congratulating him on his inauguration as forty-fourth president of the United States of America." Read more here.

Let the heavens rejoice. It's time for Catholic Carnival 108! Thank you Jay for keeping this up!

Fr. F. sent this in for laughs: "Here is a complaint letter written by a passenger on a Virgin Airlines flight that literally had me laughing non-stop at my desk while reading it. I wish I would have written it. Those of you who like writing letters will find this especially good. Enjoy."

1 comment:

  1. "Way to go big guy"? Is that any way to talk to your boss' foreman; that is to say, Christ's Vicar on Earth? Any more of that talk and walla, you may end up in Wallawalla.
