Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, not really. This week the priests of the Diocese of Cleveland will be joining Bishop Lennon for a retreat/conference. Most of the priest of the diocese will be largely unavailable this week including myself save for the most dire of emergencies. As a result, Adam’s Ale will also be without its priest this week and so this will be the only post for the week of October 20th through the 24th. Hope to see you again NEXT WEEK! Same bat time, same bat station.


Let the joyous news be spread, Jay announces Catholic Carnival 194!

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter makes available from the Social Action Office this non-partisan general survey of candidates for this upcoming election. Rememeber to be informed and then vote!
Kay and Pat sent this game in just in time for All Hallow's Eve. WARNING: ADDICTION LEVEL - MODERATE.


  1. We'll miss you, Father, but hope you have a great week! :-)

  2. The link to the game does not work.

  3. O0ops!

    See if that corrects it.


  4. gee.. to bad you never took the time to answer some of the questions that I was asking of you. before you run off in another direction for a bit..
    . i was REALLY hoping to get a perspective on this from you from your other post a WEEK ago, as I perceive you to be the NEW voice of acceptance and understanding of human nature and communication when it comes that sort of organization.[ the Knights of Columbus]
    BUT!!!! your didn’t answer..
    I really feel let down .
    [ wierd huh??]
    maybe nothing has changed after all and you are really like “them”.
    promoting and justifying organizations that pick and chose how people should live their lives no matter if they destroy them in the process because THEIR morality is better than anyone else's. .[ not much differnt than the MORMONS who gave 9 million dollars to defeat the same proposition that would add to the quality and dignity of life of commited spirtual persons] .
    I can really be such a fool huh???
    But it was my choice to be trusting of you even in this limited format.
    also it was YOUR space I came into. the SECOND time.
    the good news is, there WONT be a third time.
    I was looking for [ adn expecting] inspiration from someone younger like yourself. but got the SAME thing I got from the OLDER generation . when questions were put to task concerning independent viewpoints. regarding the quality of human life and living with dignity. What I got was the same old answer.
    there WAS no answer..
    they turned there backs on what I thought was [ albeit passionate questions]. only to practice their endless rituals and austerities. convincing others that they are to be used as a source of inspiration .
    you seemed really cool. what a fool I was to expect and answer huh??
    nothing has changed. . its STILL the dark ages.. and thanks to promoting organizations on your blog who openly promote bigotry and hate without realizing it by donating money to destroy the quality of life or lifestyles of others they know nothing about puts the final blow in what I thought was and hoping for a NEW church . but in realty is still the same. as its always has been..
    Christ is cool , I never doubted his greatness.
    its his followers that one has to be weary of.
    Even those who live in his own house.
    good -by . and much luck.


  5. Dear SattVic, It seems from your comments that you are disappointed in being unable to convert others to your point of view, which is diametrically opposed to their original point of view. You make it sound like you will only be happy with us if we disavow our beliefs and believe in something--anything--that shows our "intelligence," as you define intelligence, which is to reject the timeless beliefs to which we adhere, in favor of something new which you offer (which is not really new, anyway). As for Christ being cool, the Christ you know is cool because you only accept those parts of the Gospel that suit your emotional needs. Jesus spoke more words of warning about avoiding hell and damnation than he did about a lot of other things. Talking about hell is definitely not cool.

  6. SW-
    they turned there backs on what I thought was [ albeit passionate questions]. only to practice their endless rituals and austerities. convincing others that they are to be used as a source of inspiration .

    We don't need to be convincing - that's the point. We need to be faithful to God and live faithfully to His Word. God, then, is the one who will change the hearts of others, through the Holy Spirit. If God uses us to be inspirations for others, awesome! - it's all through His plan.

    You may choose to believe - you may choose not to believe. If God wants you on His side, He will make it happen. Whether you choose to believe or not - that's part of our free will that He instilled. It's wonderful!

    If you believe in Christ, and you live your life according to His Word, you, then, are also a follower.

    Pat - We MUST talk about hell. Part of the problem these days is the fact that many are ignoring or being complacent about hell, to the point that now some people think that Satan does not exist.
    That's what Satan wants.

    We must show others, through our lives, how to live faithfully to God.

  7. Have a wonderful & productive Convocation! Prayers listed on my blog for all of you.

  8. Anon ~ I think you misunderstood Pat...his last comment was a mite sarcastic. He was making the point that we need to talk about Hell...because Jesus did. Sattvic just doesn't happen to believe it's cool, and that was Pat's statement.

  9. Anon, Yes, you are correct. I was saying that many people who think Jesus is "cool" ignore those parts of His message that are "uncool," like the possibility of eternal damnation. Yes, Jesus wills that no one be lost, but He also warns us that the choice to be saved or lost is our own.
