Thursday, October 30, 2008


I’m going to admit something to you. I will admit it to you and nobody else. I am not as thoroughly modern as I seem. Case in point: Vatican II. I have not completely implemented it into my life nor do I have plans to bring the parish fully into Vatican II. In fact, it is a very rare parish indeed that has fully implemented what Vatican II actually said as opposed to the impression most have of what Vatican II taught.

To get this point across, here are ten positions that float around today. Some are from Vatican II, some are not. Can you tell which are which?

There should be silence in the church and all ancillary rooms before Mass begins.

Popular devotions are to be highly endorsed.

The liturgy is the source and summit of our lives.

The priest should face the people.

Gregorian chant must be given a place of pride in liturgical services.

The practice of having sacred images in Church is to be maintained.

The priest should face the people.

Latin should be preserved in the Latin rites.

All Latin Rite Catholics should be able to sing or say their parts of the Mass in Latin.

The pipe organ is to be held in high esteem, other instruments permitted by permission.


  1. "The priest should face the people."

    Not from Vatican II.

  2. Well, for the organ, see, Sacrosanctum concilium 126; Latin, ibid 36; images, ibid 111. Vicenzo is right, celebration versus populum is NOT Vatican II, and the assumption in the GIRM is that the priest faces ad orientem, facing God, leading the People of God in worship of Him.

    Most people would be surprised that the vernacular was not mandated by V2, but quite the contrary.

    (Father, nobody has ever accused you of being "modern"! You drive a Buick, for goodness sake, and I've seen your "new" set of wheels!)

  3. I'm going to guess that everything but #4 and #7 were from Vatican II?

    If silence before mass is one- good luck with that!! ; )

  4. Maybe I should come in before a mass and start preaching about the cheesecake.

  5. "I am not as thoroughly modern as I seem."
    We know that..

    Why regress rather than progress? isn't in invalid to be practice pre-vatician II rituals!? Why have you changed the mass so much at St. Sebastian since you became pastor?

  6. The priest should face the people, is not Vat. II.

    I have not read all the Vat II documents but what I read, when I attend SOME not all Masses, I think, where the heck did they get that?

    Are you going to implement some of these as per Vatican II? Wow. That take a lot of courage. God Bless you.

  7. Anon2: Huh?

    I've never met Father nor attended a Mass at his parish but I'm sensing something is dissatisfying to you.

    It's not about YOU. Mass is always, and always has been, for the Lord. As part of the offering we must submit to the authority of Holy Church. Much of what is called "progress" was implemented entirely outside of the structure of Holy Church and then it was retroactively applied thru the distorted lens of what many wishful thinkers thought, or hoped Vatican II said.

    It is all of our faults that we allowed it to happen. What you call regression, I would probably call reclamation.

    There is a phrase that liberals use "Subvert the dominent paradigm". Today, that phrase is being turned around. YOU are the dominent paradigm and you are being subverted by those of us who want OUR/THE Church back.

    I admit that I was the cause of much distortion for many decades. I have much to reclaim in myself.

  8. My guess is only these two are from V2. All the others sound a bit bogus.

    The liturgy is the source and summit of our lives.

    The practice of having sacred images in Church is to be maintained

  9. Anon. #2--You think that Father has changed the Mass since he arrived? Wow! I attend week day and Sunday Mass at St. Sebastian and I have not noticed that Father has changed the Mass!! Please clue me in. What has he changed? Has he omitted something that is supposed to be part of the Mass or has he added something that is not allowed?

  10. I think about His sweet prayer for our unity, as He sat with His closest disciples on earth for the last time. I recall Him using words also as He instituted the Eucharist, and as He calmed and braced His friends-- shortly before one sold him out for his own agenda (Sede vacantists?); ten scattered (Traditionalists, Jews, Protestants, Orthodox, and His other flocks of which we know not?); and one swore as he denied even knowing the Man (us, His closest disciples on earth?).

    I recall the words of the prayer He taught us, and those of the parables, and the Beatitudes; and I recall His seven last words (to beloved sinners everywhere throughout the ages); and His unique risen word to Mary Magdalen (to beloved sinners everywhere throughout the ages); and then, His final words (to beloved sinners everywhere throughout the ages) until He comes again in glory.

    And I am (garrulously, noisily, complicitly) glad to know in advance--and to believe for certain--that all words but His will pass away one day; our passing kind so often only delays the answering of His sweet prayer for our unity.

    Nicodemus didn't approach Christ with the excruciating rubrics he'd grown up with; he humbly if also confusedly offered Him his heart, in trust. He offered Him his love, knowing somehow that it was already Mutual. He received Christ's heart in return, as did Peter. As did Dysmas. As didn't the Pharisees.

    Like the men of Galilee roused from their wonder, we aren't Urged to go backward, but forward! Jesus, Lord and King of all, is worthy of our deepest reverence, yes; but our deepest reverence is far more on our inside, and so, as long as it is validly celebrated and not made frivolous (which has happened), Jesus' Holy Sacrifice means that Mass is Mass is Mass for us.

    And since it's Paul's year, I'll close this with his reminder: If one has many gifts but has not love, one is but a clanging cymbal.

    May God hold us all very close, at least to Him, and not squeeze too hard.

  11. Anon 2,
    If you get lost on a trip, then go back to find the right way, is that regressing? Progress is good only if you're on the right path.
    Pat's right! What has he taken out that's supposed to be there or added that's not supposed to be there? The changes Father has made have been to correct the things that were not supposed to be there in the first place.
    I also think that you've proved Father's point. Nothing he has corrected is reverting to "pre-Vatican II" ritual. He is simply following the rubrics as mandated by the Church because he knows the Mass is not his to change. I always find it annoying, distracting and presumptuous when a priest changes the text of the Mass at his whim and fancy.

  12. "Why regress rather than progress? isn't in invalid to be practice pre-vatician II rituals!? Why have you changed the mass so much at St. Sebastian since you became pastor?"

    This is why I love blogging! Someone who is uncomfortable bringing this has a venue rather than an annonymous note to which I would not be able to respond. I'm trying to think of any pre-Vatican II ritual that would be invalid - but I bet you mean illicit. I would be grateful if you could explain what practices you witness at St. Sebastian that are not strictly in keeping with Church law. I can't think of anything illicit or invalid. THe celebration of the Eucharist being one of my primary concerns I want to be thoroughly with the mind of the Church which is my ultimate goal. Thank you for your desire to help.

  13. "Why regress rather than progress? isn't in invalid to be practice pre-vatician II rituals!? Why have you changed the mass so much at St. Sebastian since you became pastor?"

    This is why I love blogging! Someone who is uncomfortable bringing this has a venue rather than an annonymous note to which I would not be able to respond. I'm trying to think of any pre-Vatican II ritual that would be invalid - but I bet you mean illicit. I would be grateful if you could explain what practices you witness at St. Sebastian that are not strictly in keeping with Church law. I can't think of anything illicit or invalid. THe celebration of the Eucharist being one of my primary concerns I want to be thoroughly with the mind of the Church which is my ultimate goal. Thank you for your desire to help.

  14. I think that what Fr. V has done is to make the Eucharist a more central and important part of the Mass. It seemed to have lost its meaning over time. I think its great to see someone center the Mass like its supposed to be around the Eucharist. Thanks Fr V for making Mass complete.
