Wednesday, August 13, 2008


N.B. Tomorrow is a holy day of obligation. Vigil masses tonight! Make plans!
We are overdue for a quiz

The following questions ask you to state whether the concept is found primarily in Scriptures or primarily (though it may be backed by Scripture) through Sacred Tradition. Answers tomorrow.

1. That there is a difference between mortal and venial sin.

2. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

3. The names and identity of the persons who wrote each of the Gospels.

4. Infant baptism.

5. God created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing.)

6. An explanation of the doctrine of the Trinity.

7. Information about the Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity.

8. The existance of hell.

9. The fact that Jesus is one in substance with the Father.

10. That Jesus was fully God and fully man at the moment of His conception.

11. The sacrament of confirmation.

12. A listing of which books that actually belong to the Bible.


Thank you fellow bloggers who so thoughtfully got together and had made this beautiful vestment in honor of my father who recently died. LM and MJ came by for benediction and to drop it off on Tuesday night. This is me in the dining room trying it on. I shall wear it for the Feast of the Assumption and think of all of you. Wow. Thanks.


  1. Fr. V., it's BEAUTIFUL! Wow! (And cool pic on the wall behind you...identical to the one in my


  2. You know, Fr. V., if you don't like that, I know someone who might be willing to take it off your hands......

  3. If Fr. Schnippel is as tall as you, Fr. V., I suspect you'll one day hear, "Hey, can I borrow..." Even without its papal blessing from JP II, it's truly lovely, and just in time for the Assumption. You've got some extra-sweet people around you, Fr. V.


  4. Fr. you have green eyes?

    * ahem *

  5. Fr.,

    ANYTIME you want to come to St. Sebastian to say mass you are welcome to wear it!

    Fr. V

  6. This may paint me an idiot, but I've been taking that risk for decades, and publicly for 9:

    1. Scripture

    2. Scripture

    3. Scripture

    4. Tradition

    5. Scripture

    6. Tradition

    7. Tradition

    8. Scripture

    9. Scripture

    10. Tradition

    11. Scripture

    12. Tradition

  7. 1. Tradition

    2. Tradition (though there is an anointing mentioned in James)

    3. Tradition

    4. Tradition (though in Acts entire households are baptized and one could assume this meant babies, small children and even uncomprehending slaves)

    5. Tradition (though a guest priest at my parish says this is a silly idea)

    6. Tradition

    7. Scripture (well, developed thought about His part in the Trinity is from Tradition, but the Trinitarian formula is from scripture)

    8. Scripture (Jesus talks about Gehenna, and Revelation is fairly clear about a lake of Fire.)

    9. Tradition

    10. Tradition

    11. Tradition (though the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 is biblical support)

    12. Tradition

  8. Fr V,

    Regarding your last picture, have you ever been tempted to do a Father Corapi imitation? You know, get a little wonk in your voice and start shouting and/or sneering? :-)

  9. Rob, what is your point? Are you being saracastic? Why are you smiling? What does the picture have to do with John Corapi? What do you mean by "wonk?" Do you mean Corapi's "know-it-all" tone? Is you intention to be mean, or kind? Explain.

  10. I don't think I need to explain myself on Fr V's blog. Nor do I need to be called on the carpet by an anonymous. Good day.

  11. My favorite is the pic with Pope Benedict blessing you. Good call LM.
    Rob you are absolutely right you don't need to answer to anyone.


  12. Rob -

    As a matter of fact I do! ;>)

  13. Rob, true, not if you don't mind being vague and inane.

  14. What's with the anon infighting?

    Rob, I think you're hilarious.

    Here's my answers (and I disagree with Rob on this a lot, actually....)

    1. Scripture - Jesus and Paul refer to sin that causes death and differentiate between other types of sin.
    2. Scripture -I think it's in James, but I think I remember othe references as well. Might be wrong on that. But the annointing of the sick DEFINITELY comes from scripture even if its further defined in Tradition.
    3. John's Gospel is clear, and I know I should know this, but if I remember correctly most Gospel authors are not specifically ID'd as in "I am Matthew". So....both Scripture AND Tradition (why can't this context be according to what the early Church Fathers said about gospel authorship? I KNOW that!)
    4. Scripture - whole households
    5. Scripture
    6. Tradition
    7. Tradition
    8. Scripture
    9. Tradition (St. Flavian was trampled to death for this one)
    10. Tradition
    11. Scripture
    12. Tradition

    OK, I'm going to sleep now and "D'oh!" in the morning over this...

  15. Thanks Fr. V! You are the star of my post today on the feast of Our Lady of the Assumption.

  16. For clarity's or fairness' sake, I'm pretty sure Rob admires Fr. Corapi. Who wouldn't?? I'm thinking that priest is a lot like St. Paul was. If the wonk and sneer is out of love for Christ and Mary, I can live with it --I am a Boanerges fan as much as a Francis fan, and the fact is, we need that now and then (as Paul knew, as Pio knew); of course, a steady diet of it as once experienced week after week in my life is certainly not all the Doctor ordered, as the Beloved Disciple knew, as JP II well knew, too; but if it's from some cleric (or anyone) in love with self or who disses the people of God for any reason other than to save their souls or others' lives, one sees right through the alleged saintly soul, and wishes for better representation of Christ or the Church, having encountered it.

    As for the quiz, I just took it off the top of my head having learned that being an idiot is something I can live with, too--and trust me, other than my personal love for Him and His, I've only ever taught what was handed me to be taught. Everything else was directed to a priest. Anyway, I'm sure that everything we attribute to Tradition has a base in Scripture..the Church doesn't invent anything, after all; but I note 3 answers I attributed to coming mostly from Tradition that should've been Scripture, and one Scripture answer that should've been attributed to mostly Tradition, so I'm going to go check it out in today's answers. Nope, not gonna contest it at all. God knows, that deeper knowledge for all is one of the beautiful benefits of people who go to seminary.


  17. Awesome chasuble! What an incredible gift. And if I read LMs blog correctly, did we have a b-day girl?

  18. We noticed it at mass - truly beautiful!


    Yet another tasteful and terrific example of how vestments can be dignified and beautiful and elegant in noble simplicity.

    You must be very proud!
