Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Thank you for your birthday greetings (it was a good day!) and for your advice to dump AOL. Actually I do need to do so. I already have two other wire addresses but I am not sure how to do this and not mess up the blog (and I am woefully behind on updating it already.) As the song goes, "Soon and very soon . . ."

Sorry, but today is going to just be a catch up of what did not make it yesterday so I can cull the heard of Emails. So here we go!


Jay says, "Don't miss Catholic Carnival 186!"

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter reports, "WASHINGTON - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) invites U.S. Catholics to pray before the November election a novena for life, justice and peace called Novena for Faithful Citizenship. It is a podcast and available for download."

L.M. sent this game in to help you waste some time. WARNING: Addiction level MODERATE. Oh yes! This game is Evile!

L.M. also sent this in. If there were ever an argument for a married priesthood this would be it. There would have been a goodly woman with this man who would have hit him up side the head and said, "What are you thinking?"
This site was accidentaly discovered while making a search for Symbolic Friday (a name that still doesn't quite sit right.) I've not had the chance to thoroughly review it but what I have seen of Church Year is great.


  1. The blog ahould not be affected by your changing emails - you will have to update your email address in your blog profile.

    You will also have to download all emails to your new account (including those saved/archived). Usually this is a fairly easy process. There's too many of us geeks around to let you lose your email or blog. :-)

    (and don't blame me for playing too much golf! *grin* - although I have figured out how to get a hole-in-one on #9!)

  2. LM beat me too it go to the comments tab and the bottom you can change your comment notification at the bottom, then also in your profile. I think you still have to use your other one for login, I am not sure if you can change that but you can always create a new profile, add the correct e-mail add yourself as "another" blog author to your blog and delete the other profile with the aol address. THere is probably an easier way but that is what I have done in the past...

    I am not known for doing things the easy way though...

  3. You might want to consider giving Google g-mail a try. It is so easy to save and organize your e-mail, it's free, and you can change ISPs without ever having to change your e-mail address.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday Fr. V. But when was the big day? We were in Columbus this past weekend and maybe we missed something?
    That golf game is wicked!
    Good luck with the email!

  5. Happy belated B Day Hope it was great
    Hole # 5 was really a challenge It only took 95 shots to get it in

  6. You can also begin to use your jvalencheck@dioceseofcleveland.org address for your regular email. If you prefer another service such as gmail you can set the diocesan Web-Outlook account to forward to whatever you chose. The disadvantage is that mail forwarded from that account will all show as coming from "jvalencheck," which is not desirable but cannot be corrected at this time.

  7. Eeks!

    I need a computer geek. Thanks guys. As soon as I can stitch some time together I'll start working on it.
