Sunday, May 11, 2008


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND - "When we truly encounter the night in all its beauty and terror, we have no assurance whatsoever that we are going to come out unscathed. If you come out injured it might just be a sign of the blessing that you have received." Rast O.S.B.

QUOTE II - "If it's in the dictionary, it's probably false." Fr. John Loya


Oh! How people agonize over whether they have a vocation or not! Some people discern so long that they discern themselves out of the opportunity. Brothers and Sisters of Perpetual Discernment is a blog on the level of Spirit of Vatican II Blog about such persons. If you think that you would get a kick out of it pop over. Sister Caprice is waiting.

Clevelanders contemplating a vocation: Come join a day-long retreat helping single Catholic men and women, ages 18-40 explore and lean more about the priesthood and consecrated life Saturday June 7th at the Center for Pastoral Leadership (Wickliffe). For more information or to register call 1.800.869.6525 or 216.696.6525 ext. 3490.

Thoughts should be turning to spring but this picture of this little guy was still on my camera. He was snagged for a picture while we were hiking during our third winter storm and I though I'd share him with you.


  1. What is the picture of???

  2. Looks like a black-capped chickadee. ;>)

  3. Looks like a large mouth bass stuck in a tree. LOL

  4. Thanks for the link, Father V.! I'm not sure I'll be around...I'm in really big trouble and I don't really know why. All I did was say I thought I'm supposed to be a priest, and suddenly everyone was yelling at each other about me.
    * sigh *

    I hope we get new Brothers and Sisters soon so that Mother Frangelico and Father can yell at someone else...

  5. Cool photo! I like your quote, too. Where is that from?

  6. I agree with the large mouth bass stuck in a tree!!! I thought it was just me since I had my eyes dilated for an eye exam.


  7. Looks like a baby penguin to me. That must have been some hike.

  8. LOL!

    My sister and I were having a rough day yesterday and we looked on this site. I couldn't imagine what there would be so many comments on a Tuesday about. We laughed so hard! Thanks guys. You are a blessing.

    And yes it does look like a large mouth bass!!

    It is a tine bord standing sideways on a tree and we are looking down on his head.

  9. I'm still seeing a large mouth bass. lol

    btw - what is a tine bord? Apparently you all have very different animals up there than we do here. lol
