Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is being written about 7:00 on Thursday night and Fr. B. just called and had this story about which I had forgotten. He said, “About an hour from now ten years ago tonight I came to your room at the Seminary and stood in your doorway. You said to me, ‘Are you going to come in or not?’ And then we prayed together that we would be able to sleep well that night as in the morning we were heading off for Saint John’s Cathedral for our priestly ordination.

May 30th, 1998 at 10:00AM in the morning my classmates and I pictured here walked down the aisle for the laying on of hands and invocation of the Holy Spirit that we might be priests of the Holy Roman Church of Jesus Christ. And so far the hears have simply flown by. The best evidence that that amount of time has actually slipped by is my continuing retreating hairline and my tax records. Just last week I was out with Frs. B. and W. and in awe we stated how fortunate we are to be priests and how we cannot believe more guys do not want to do this. What a joy it has been to serve Him.

There is so much that I would like to say, but it all pales next to, “Deo gratias!”



  1. Happy Anniversary, Father V.!

  2. Praise God. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much, and amen, happy anniversary.


  3. Extra "Happy" day to you for all of us - thanks!

    Next Saturday, June 7, I will be in Memphis TN at the priestly ordination for our nephew who, at the age of 42, is being ordained for the Diocese of Memphis.

    He is the only one this year there - although he says they have 5 or 6 due for next year.

    He is the blogger who started me reading his blog, and then Dawn's blog, and eventually got me into others' sites and then on to my own. It is because of him I chose the moniker 'uncle jim'.

    We will keep you and your priestly brothers in our prayers...and THANKS! again.

  4. Happy Anniversary to all! I haven't talked w/ or seen Fr. B. in so! how time flies!

    You are are such a gift to us from God - Thank you!!

  5. I should also point out that my parents & nephew are STILL talking about & telling Fr. B's homily about the 'dark, dark, night. With a dark, dark, sky'. What an impression that made on them! LM

  6. ad multos annos!!

    Congrats, Padre! On the world day of prayer for priests, no less!

  7. Congratulations on ten and best wishes for many more, Father.

  8. Happy anniversary Father! Prayers and best wishes!

  9. Wow,

    Thanks one and all.

    You've got a prayer coming back at ya.

  10. Happy anniversary, Father, and may you have many more! :D You and all of our priests are such a tremendous blessing to us all... Deo gratias indeed! God be with you.

  11. Is that Fr. John O in the gray? why is he in a different color?


  12. Happy Anniversary, Father V.

    My husband and I just renewed our vows for our 25th. We are amazed at how quickly the years passed.

    So, are any of your brother priests pictured "west siders?"

  13. Hey, who's the goofy one on the far left of the picture?

  14. Fr. S.


    Thanks again all!
