Sunday, April 13, 2008


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "If technical progress is not matched by corresponding progress in man's ethical formation, in man's inner growth, then it is not progress at all, but a threat for man and for the world." from Pope Benedict "Spe Salve"
QUOTE II - "Throw dirt, lose ground." Anon.


Kaz, our correspondant from NY sent this in: "This summer the Communion and Liberation will be hosting an education conference for high school teachers, administrators and university faculty in the field of education. With this conference we hope to meet and begin to dialogue with educators interested in a truly human education, using Fr. Giussani's method of education as a starting point for the discussion. Space is limited so people are encouraged to register early at

Raven Smiles sent this Metro Ad in concerning the popes visit with preemptive appologies for anybody who might find it offensive. "Part of the joy of being a Catholic is knowing the difference between an indelicacy and an indecentcy."

VERY DANGEROUS: Habemus Papem (from whom we've not heard in a spell) sent this in. The rules are VERY simple. To fly the helicopter press the left mouse button to go up, release to go down. Sound painfully easy does it not? Do not start this game at work. DANGER: ADDICTION LEVEL HIGH.

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