Saturday, March 22, 2008


Symbolic Saturday was transferred to Holy Thursday this week. Here is a short Holy Saturday message as it is a busy day! God bless.

Unwise is he that mourns a man’s going hence. Let Christ have thee rather than I.” From Sigrid Undset’s, “Kristen Lavransdatter”

The only reason we can say that is because on this Holy Saturday Christ does not lie in the earth, buried like a forgotten treasure never to see the light of day again, but like a flower bulb that lays beneath the cold earth ready to spring to life at the proper time. Hence for Christians, death has been redefined. We may shed tears in the face of death, but that is for us for we will have to be without the physical presence of a brother of sister for a spell. But even in death there is hope! It is the hope of life. Of life eternal! “Lord, for your faithful people, life is changed, not ended.” This is the gift we are given because Christ lies in a tomb today.

Therefore we are not completely bereft. The Church does not spend all of its time mourning today. We know there is more! And because there is more to the story we must prepare! In rectories homilies are written, chalices and ciboria are cleaned. Candles are prepared, all is made new, brought to a shine, and liturgical practices are held. In homes amidst the Triduum prayers the kitchen ovens are hot with preparations for the Easter Feast! Our Sunday best is prepared for when we shed our mourning clothes. The “A” word stands ready in our hearts ready to burst forth at the Easter Vigil.
Today the Christian prefigures what Peter’s mother-in-law went through when the news was brought to her on Easter morning. Jesus, who died is again alive! But it is too soon to celebrate. For now we only have hope. Tomorrow we shall know and we will greet each other with, “He is risen,” and, “Indeed He is risen!” and nobody shall be able to hold back our joy!

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