Friday, January 4, 2008


There is one more interruption this week in the latest series on Symbolic Saturday. This weekend is the Feast of the Epiphany. Today is the day that traditionally people have had their houses blessed. As the Three Kings came to Jesus’ home to offer their Lord homage, we invite Christ into our homes to bless us and allow us to honor Him in our homes.

Unfortunately there is a distinct lack of priests to spend a week or so just going from home to home to bless them. But that does not mean that your house cannot be blessed! It is perfectly acceptable (and effective) for Catholics to bless their own homes. Here is one day’s notice to help you pull together the things that you will need in order to this.

Consider buying, “Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers” by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. In here you will find assistance to help you formulate prayers for all kinds of situations. Not having time for that, you could just download and copy this prayer service.

You might want to obtain some holy water though not strictly mandatory. Holy water is available at any Catholic Church. It is best to have a small, well-sealed container to carry it in.

You may also wish to carry on the tradition of writing the blessing on the doorframe of the main entrance to your home. For this you will need a piece of chalk. After the blessing one writes the first two digits of the year, then a plus sign, then the first initial of each of the three kings each separated by a plus sign, with the last two digits of the year following that last plus sign. (20+C+B+M+08). Once again while nice strictly necessary, it is cool. Some people spell Caspar with a K but the actual meaning of the C. B. M. is "Christus Bendicat Mansionem" or Christ blesses this house.

Happy Feast of the Epiphany!


  1. Happy Feast of the Epiphany!

    Our priest always blesses the chalk and gives us a house blessing to take home, including a thing on what it all means. So my doorways will be marked again this year. :-)

  2. Thanks for the reminder! We used to do this to bless our classrooms the last couple years that I was at my previous school. I didn't think to do the blessing at home but I definitely will tomorrow.
    Happy Epiphany!!


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  4. Brings back memories of a time when I was a child, before Vatican II when the new pastor would visit each of his families in their homes and when he came to our house Daddy would always ask him to bless the house. I always thought it was an Irish tradition. Perhaps not. Thank you!! Cathy

  5. Thanks Father V. I need to get my new house blessed. I kinda forgot about it until I read your post.
