Sunday, December 9, 2007


Saturday night I was driving in an unfamiliar part of town with all of the priests from this parish. The road we would normally be taking was closed because of a water main break and we were circling around trying to get back to the parish. As we approached a main intersection a police car was coming straight at us flashing its lights and blaring its sirens. It blocked the street off across from us, which was fine because we were turning anyway. With the prodding from the other priests to, “Just go ahead,” we continued on only to be honked at by the police car.

The reason became somewhat apparent as soon as we turned the corner. There were police cars all over the place and the road was shut down. A normally busy road, it was empty of all cars as though we had stumbled onto a parade route, except that it was dark and there was no parade.

There was not a lot of time to decide between pulling over or finding a quick way off the street as just then a pickup truck came careening around the corner in a dangerous manner followed by police car after police car. One of the other priests mentioned after that they didn’t know the city had so many police cars.

Before I could register what was going on the pastor said, “We’re in the middle of a car chase!” It was actually quite thrilling although Sunday there was a big fat NOTHING about it in the newspaper.

How easily it would have been for the truck veering around that corner with its tires squealing to lose control. Had the street been wet or had the truck had bald tires or if he had simply been going more quickly we could have ended up on “Worlds Greatest Car Chase Crashes,” as we would have been right on his flight plan. Perhaps guardian angels were working over time. With the diocese facing a priest shortage as it is, this would have been a headache Sunday morning for somebody as we are taking care of not only the mass schedule here, but also helping out at a neighboring parish and a local convent. Thank you guardian angels.

I am not at all kidding when I say I put full stock in the idea of Guardian Angels. I’ve been pulled out of too many scraps (like pulling into the middle of a car chase) to not have caught a glimpse of a wing or halo here or there.

Here’s just one more story (are you reading M.O.?) I never claimed to be particularly bright and the following story may confirm that notion in your mind. One fall night out at the farm a few of us priests had gathered for a bon-fire. Late into the night there were only two of us left with a sizable fire still roaring when - DO NOT TRY THIS – the other priest said, “Ya know, when I was in the Boy Scouts, we used to put a bottle of water in the fire and it would squirt like a geyser.” I will spare you most of the details, suffice to say a) it didn’t work, and b) we progressed to the point of putting a bottle in the fire with the lid on. It started making funny noises (and not “ha ha” funny either) and one of us had the place of mind to say, “I think we should go stand behind the tree,” which we did.

We stood there for a few minutes while the “not ha ha” funny noise continued and I finally said, “I’m just going to go over there and knock the bottle out of the fire.” Right then there was an explosion. Not a nice, tiny, polite explosion, but the kind that brings people out because they think there has been a terrorist attack. The fire was blown out, large logs were flung out from the epicenter, and there was a little crater where the bottle had been. There was a beautiful aspect to it. All around for quite a large circumference there were tiny red coals that seemed to mimic the stars in the clear night sky. We felt like giants walking amid galaxies.

We started to laugh uncontrollably. That is, until we realized we could have died and gave up a prayer of thanks to our guardian angels for leaving us completely unscathed and much wiser.

Don’t forget that your guardian angel is there and ready to help you, and equally so, to remember to say thanks now and then. And be honest – you have a guardian angel story too don’t you . . .


  1. LOL! At least you didn't make a drano bomb! That would have been worse! (I grew up hearing about them but I don't know anyone who was ever dumb enough to do it).

    OK, anyway, you bet I got stories, one from just a few weeks ago! One Wednesday morning I went to the church to go to confession after Mass, and it was just wonderful. As I was leaving I was still in love with God's mercy and was praying and praising him, thanking him, etc. I looked before pulling out of the one coming, so I of course made my left turn.

    Except suddenly a truck was there, occupying that space already. I had not seen him; he must have been in my blind spot, and the truck (pickup) was a taupe color that blended into the landscape. That's my only excuse...I literally hadn't seen him. And I'll tell you this...there is no way that we didn't collide. No way.

    But we didn't. I don't know how that's possible...I quite literally was in his lane as he passed.

    That was DEFINITELY a Guardian Angel moment!

  2. Cyber sis!

    I've had that too! You wonder how could that possibly NOT have ended in accident - almost like two cars occupying the same space for a moment.

    I'm sure there are psycologists and scientists that would explain depth perception and all that - but still - when it happens to you - cool.

  3. Cyber bro! :-)

    I got another one! Just this morning, although it's more subtle.

    I was walking my dog and thinking about going to confession tonight after work. But it occurred to me that I shouldn't wait, but go this morning. (We have 3 daily masses and confession after the morning masses, and 45 min befor the 7 pm mass). So I realized the wisdom in that idea and went. Of course, I got there and it was a school Mass. It never fails...whenever I go to confession in the morning, it's ALWAYS on a day that they have an irregular mass for some reason. The school masses are typically wed. and thurs., not monday. Anyway, so I had to wait longer, and realized that my work day was going to start even later than I'd planned. But I NEEDED to go to confession this morning and was not going to leave.

    Well, I got out of there around 9 am, with a free cup of coffee :-) And then I went to get on the freeway. but traffic was literally not moving. The on ramp had 3 lanes of non-moving traffic, highway 10 wasn't budging, and I thought it was too late. But no cars were behind me or coming so I backed up and got back onto the road, and took an alternate route.

    At first I was just irritated, and then I realized...had I not gone to Confession this morning, and had the mass not been so long, well, I might very well be still sitting in that traffic. Both lanes were shut down. Or even worse, I might have been involved in that incident.

    I know the suggestion to go to confession this morning came straight from my guardian angel.

  4. A. Oh, praise God you're all alright, Fr. V. Sometimes the Lord only breaks even in these things--I remember the carful of seminarians in Mundelein.

    B. When I read that last line of Fr. V's post, my first thought was, "I bet Adoro's got some angel stories." :-)

    C. You'd have to know what a clean-freak my mom was to believe this one. Some part of a toilet in one of our rented apartments had broken and water shot to the ceiling when she took off the top to the tank. She couldn't see any water shutoff valve anywhere, and could only hold the parts together by hand while she prayed for Help. There was no way, zero way, that there could've been a piece of rope in the corner that umpteenth time she looked around the tiny room for ANYthing that might help. After tying together the problem, the rope was, she said, exactly the length needed --no more and no less.

    D. Many already know my tale about a phone call I answered from my son while we prayed for him, which reassured his dying grandmother, and I caring for her, that he was fine even tho' he was in a hot spot somewhere off the coast of Yugoslavia. After our usual silly greeting ritual ("Hello?" "Hello!" back and forth until he says, "Who is this?"), she smiled at my repeating his question, "How's the babe?" He always called her that, and it was always so ludicrous, it made her roll her eyes and grab him in a hug and kiss. I was about to put her on the phone to him when static increased and we lost the connection. Now, she could pass in peace. He told me a few months later on his emergency leave to attend her funeral, that there were no phones on an LCU, and that he sure as heck hadn't gone ashore anywhere.. maybe it had been just a vivid dream. Uh huh.

  5. Once when I was 19 I was giving a friend of a friend a lift from one bar to another. I'll just cut to the chase and say that that guy was going to do something very BAD to me. This is going to sound totally irrational, but I thought quickly to myself, did I do anything wrong to get myself in this situation? The answer was no. I prayed "Lord, I know nothing happens to me without your permission. I'm not afraid to suffer any way you ask, but please get me out of this." The thought occurred to me that my Guardian Angel was there (hadn't given him much thought since grade school). I had just unlocked the car door and was about to make a run for it. The guy hauled off and punched to car seat (rather than my face thankfully), I drove him back where we can from, and I never saw him again. I heard through the grapevie that he in prison now. My Guardian Angel and I have been very chummy ever since that night.

  6. Nothing bad happened to me. (I just re-read that, and I don't think I made that clear).

  7. sparky ~ I'm a little confused...he was going to hit you, but because you moved he hit the seat? And THEN you drove him back? Why didn't you just dump his sorry butt wherever he was and get the heck out of there? Or am I missing something completely?

    And yeah, your Guardian Angel was all over that one...definitely!

  8. LOL!

    With all the terrible-priest-in-the-headlines stories these days, how goofy would you have felt? I can see the headline:

    "Two priests burned and scarred in adolescent hijinks!"

    Then, there would have been a story, quoting you as you discuss how you put a bottle of water into an OPEN FIRE and stood around giggling.

    Actually, come to think of it, it would have been a welcome break from some of the usual garbage in the paper.

    Glad you didn't get hurt, father! :)

  9. Adoro, I don't know whether Sparky is a gal or a guy -- if a gal, the dangers would've even been increased.. but either way, when one is trapped in a car with someone who is quite out of control and not likely to regret anything 'til 1/2 a day or more from now, and when one's every signal has screamed, "RUN," because one isn't exactly Mike Tyson-like, then it is indeed miraculous for the near-assailant to have only punched the seat. Utterly miraculous. Utterly of divine intervention.

  10. justme ~ I agree....I was commenting on the act of remaining in a vehicle with a psychospaz who just tried to take your head off.

    Certainly the incident has Guardian Angel hands all over it....but I'm still confused about the actions taken by sparky. Why in the world was that psycho not left to rot? How could anyone remain or return to a vehicle after that attempted assault? Or am I misunderstanding?

  11. First, I'm a girl. (I need to change my nickname to She-Ra or Flowers or something).

    Second, I think he hit the seat out of fustration because I called what was about to happen "rape" when he thought he could make it consentual.

    Third, he got off me, told me to drive him back, so I did. I was not physically strong enough to throw him out of the car, and my instincts told me to just do it. I dropped him off and he said "don't come in", as in "don't come in the bar", as if I'm going to do that!

    Seriously though, I wasn't hurt. I'm not angry or bitter about this incident. If he had done anything I would have fought him physically and legally to the death. I'm nobody's victim.

    I've know a lot of men in my lifetime and almost all of them have treated me with kindness and respect. I'm not going to become a bitter feminist over one deranged man. This incident just happens to be what made me take my Guardian Angel seriously.

  12. sparky ~ Thanks for the further info...makes it all clear! I was just commenting today that when I don't listen to my Guardian Angel, I always run into trouble! When they "sound" the warning, they mean business!

    And please don't name yourself flower or she-ra. Really. Sparky is good. I figured you were a woman just given the context. Most guys don't talk about other guys "doing bad things" to them. That is all in the realm of being a woman, unfortunately. And good thing this didn't make you a raging feminist...I've known women who have taken that extreme for far less!

  13. Great story! lol

    I've heard the campfire from the other side and now, thanks to M.O., my wife won't let me play with campfires. At least, I have to watch my company. :)

  14. She-Ra!! I LIKE it!
