Monday, September 10, 2007


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “Dogma wasn’t a dirty word – it was the ground. ‘Dogma was conceived not as an external shackle but as the loving source that made knowledge of truth possible in the first place.’” Russell Shorto – NY Times Magazine on Pope Benedict.

QUOTE II: “The great enemy of the virtue of obedience is grumbling. Grumbling is the compensation self-love resorts to in its powerlessness in the face of authority.” – Blessed Columba Marmion


Here are a couple of activities to help feed your hunger for a Culture of Life sent in by Steven.

The movie Bella: Staring Eduardo Verástegui (the Leonardo De Caprio of Central America), it is a true story about a woman who gets pregnant and has to face the consequences of her choice. It is blatantly pro-life and beautifully filmed. The winner of the Toronto Film Festival Award (one of the world’s largest film festivals), it already has rave reviews and through speak sneak previews. Trew sends news that it will appear in Cleveland (Tower City) on September 25th but reservations are needed. You must call by September 11th. Sorry for the late notice! I didn’t realize it was coming up so quickly! Go here to reserve tickets and see a trailer.

40 Days for Life ( Successfully implemented in a few communities, this will be a nationwide movement of communities coming together doing day-night prayer vigils for 40 days all over America.

An activity of another sort comes to us from the twin cities. P.S. reports about the Rosary for Truth that meets in a different church every Sunday at the mid-morning mass to pray the rosary silently for their arch-bishop, for the parish, and for the people of God. Might not be a bad activity to start elsewhere.
Habemus Papem and I are finishing up plans to go to Australia for World Youth Day and have a couple spaces left. Anyone interested? (18 and under must be accompanied by a parent.)

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