Sunday, September 2, 2007


Happy Labor Day!

Happy day off!

(Some of you.)

Thank you and God’s blessing to all that will be working today so that others may safely (and conveniently) have a day of recreation.

If there is not a lot going on at work today, here is some reading to while away the time. It is a short overview on “Rerum Novarum”, the groundbreaking Church document on human labor by Wikipedia.

And in the senseless entertainment department, here is Chad Vader (who understands your work day woes) for your viewing pleasure! Oooh. After viewing this again, maybe keep this only for those a little older. There are a couple of, shall we say, "words".


  1. Where do you find these things??
    Very clever! I am reminded by "Chad" of a supervisor that a friend of mine had. Similar personality, but he was much, much shorter. I had to reach my friend at work one day but couldn't tell the switchboard operator which department she was in, as there were about 5 similar departments and I'd forgotten the crucial little difference. My friend had often spoken of her supervisor, so I offered what I could recall, "Well, apparently everyone calls him 'Mighty Mouse.'" There was a gasp, "Oh, uh.. oh.. I'll connect you."

    I hope everyone here is having a wonderful day. It's beautiful here in New England where even the most rickety natives like meself are gasping at the crisp blue sky and gorgeous temps of late, or as my (former NYer but now New England-"assimilated") husband would put it, "It's one of the seven best days of the year!"


  2. LOL!

    Continue stocking! For some reason that line got me more than any other. That and "the laser checkout system!"

  3. Just me - it was beautiful in Cleveland all weekend. I got a little too much sun and I love it.

    Rob - I can't get "I have date, Chad has a date," out of my head!

  4. I can't believe you're a Chad Vader fan too! That video is right up there with Charlie the Unicorn!

  5. Oh MY!

    Charlie the Unicorn. LOL!!!!! CHARLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    My side hursts from laughing!
