Saturday, August 11, 2007


Greetings friends,

Here is a snapshot from my week away. It is from the top of Mount Catamount in the Adirondacks. My sister and I climbed the mountain to pick blueberries so she could make jam and a delicious pie once we got down (and took a nap).

Thank you to Habemus Papem (and E.!) for keeping the blog going in my absence (for blessedly there was not a computer nor phone reception where I was!) The conversation looks as though it was grand. Sorry I missed it.

As the saying goes, "No vacation goes unpunished." There is a lot of catching up to do today to get ready for the weekend so no further post today. Looking forward to catching up with all of you soon.

Fr. V


  1. Welcome back Fr. V.! Glad you enjoyed your time away.

    HP, as usual, did a great job. :-)

  2. She did indeed. Shoot, we can't even say "We missed you, Fr V".. Well, we could, but honestly, HP is a jewel, as is Adoro.
