Friday, June 15, 2007


Happy Father's Day!


I've often wondered if I would be the same kind of father as my Dad. He didn't think much of the music to which I listened. I hear what kids listen to today and think it horrible. So I wondered if it really is horrible or do I have a generational deficit that does not allow me to appreciate it as my father did not appreciate my music. Then I saw this clip and think I am so completely justified. :>)

The PD published this list today from the National Fatherhood Initiative on 10 ways to be a better dad;

1. Respect your child's mother.

2.Spend time with your children.

3. Earn the right to be heard.

4. Discipline with love.

5. Be a role model.

6. Be a teacher.

7. Eat together as a family.

8. Read to your children.

9. Show affection.

10. Realize that a father's job is never done.

I would add that your relationship with your children will, by far, be the most profound means by which you children will come to relate with their Heavenly Father. Pray with them. Go to mas with them. And, as the sign in my parents bedroom used to read, "The best gift that a father can give his children is to love their mother."

Here is a link to this weeks Catholic Carnival.

Bishop Lennon speaks about clustering in the Diocese of Cleveland.


  1. I can't see the clip on my computer, so I'll have to take your word for it. (Eventually I'll likely have to take the leap to DSL or high speed internet or something...).

    Anyway, my Dad was Lutheran, so he rarely attended Mass with us...Mom was the spiritual power in our family, but I suspect that had Dad been a practicing Catholic, perhaps I would not have fallen away. I think some of my "falling" had to do with the feminism I was entrenched in; that being I had to shed myself of everything traditionally "feminine" so that I could be more like a man. Because of my career path.

    I hung out with guys in college, and I was just "one of the guys." I liked it.

    I was so missing the point...and I do firmly believe, had my dad been a strong father, had he been present, had he been a spiritual leader, things would have been much different.

    I'm sure you see this kind of thing every day with the women around you, ranging from teens on up to those of us in our 30's or so.

    I can't speak to the impact our culture of single mothers and absent non-religious or non-spiritual fathers has had on guys.

    Anyway, about the music...yeah, I can't stand some of the stuff being listened to these days, either, and it's not always about the music itself, but about the words. Yup. They're bad, and it needs to change.

    I actually hear stuff now I used to like, but now when I actually pay attention to the lyrics, I find I have to change the station or remove the CD, or whatever.

    But of course, I think it's in the nature of all of us to hate the music of the younger generations.

    Then again..there's a lot of current stuff I LIKE1 might have started something here. Musing...


    Silvana & Mark

  3. I was struck by a line in the first song, and I've seen it alluded to elsewhere, but didn't really think much on it until you posted that first video. The line is "Look at the daughers. Do you see the violation?"

    It validly bears pondering. I needed a protector from what should've been our protector, and I have no doubt it did its damage. Girls with fathers in the home (and I mean calm fathers at the least, or at best, those who make sure their princesses know they are princess enough), likely do not have to stifle a scream as they run back in the house after taking out the trash, etc.

    But the violation.. yes. Whether girl or boy, to be/feel fatherless is a psychic wound.

    Not only do extended family nor mom's/dad's-significant-other not replace a missing parent's very-present love, but neither does the Scouts of America, nor Big Brother/Big Sister Organization, etc.

    As for Bishop Lennon's "clustering," *sigh.. it's a sad thing, it seems, to have to change everything (for whatever reasons..). But the Holy Spirit is on the Church's side, and we are in for pleasant surprises as well.


  4. Thanks Sylvana & Mark!

    Adoro and Gypsy,

    Yes. Wow. I so agree with you guys. You only have to work in a school system a short time to verify everything you said (despite professional's views otherwise.) What more is there to say . . . *sigh*

    Rob - in your teaching experience - have you picked up on this?
