Saturday, May 19, 2007


Roaming around Chicago a church was stumbled upon whose mission statement talked about direct contact with God without the use of church leaders. (It was apparently a wealthy parish and I wondered why anyone would give money to a church that declares itself un-useful.) Another line read, “We tolerate everything except intolerance.” Translation, “You may belong here as long as you don’t take a stand on anything except believing in not taking a stand on anything.”

This bit of news was reported in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Saturday. Kent State University, in an effort to make transgender students feel more included on campus, has established a intolerance free (my words) gender nuetral restroom. The unisex lavatory will sport four signs on the door, "a man, a woman, a person in a wheel chair, and a man and a woman sperated by a slash." Now, is it me or does it seem like after you say that the the single stall restroom may be used by either men or women, further clarification is not really necessary unless, of course, you either are trying to make a politcally correct statment or you are implying that wheelchair bound eunuchs are not welcome.

Here is a video (probably the last that I will show from these guys, if you want to see more of them check this site) that gives an example of what happens when we invest in what Pope Benedict has dubbed the Dictatorship of Tolerance:

(Yes, this is a real group.)


Eyehacker shows an example of the slippery slope to depravity in human engineering. Does this scare anybody?

The Diocese of Cleveland in their weekly E-newsletter sends out this link for Catholic Healthcare Partners, a mission driven, not for profit healthcare system in Ohio and surrounding states.

When polled what books they would recommend to priests, the clergy of the Diocese of Cleveland made these suggestions: (top three) “The Holy Longing” (Rolheiser), “Joy of the Priesthood”, (Rosetti), and “The Lost Art of Walking in Water” (Heher). When polled as to which authors should be read they said (top three) John Paul II, Henri Nouwen, and Fulton Sheen.

It’s time to start thinking about World Youth Day in Australia. Here is the official link.


Here are the answers to yesterday’s quiz. Some of your answers may vary slightly depending on translation and local custom.

1. (Pray of us . . .) That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
2. (Eternal rest . . .) And let perpetual light shine upon H/H.
3. (Let us bless . . .) And give Him thanks.
4. (We adore You . . .) Because by thy holy cross thou hath redeemed the world.
5. (Lord, open . . .) And my mouth shall declare your praise.
6. (This is the wood . . .) Come let us worship.
7. (You have given them . . .) Containing in itself all (sweetness/delight)
8. (Give thanks to the Lord . . .) for His mercy endures forever.
9. (The Lord is risen!) Indeed He is risen!
10. (Lord, send forth . . .) And renew the face of the earth.
11. (Praised be Jesus . . .) Now and forever.
12. (Dominus . . .) Et cum spiritu tuo.
13. (Ite . . .) Deo gratias.


  1. I won't tolerate this calumny of the tolerance movement!

  2. dude you have GOT WAY to much info on yer posts...... you gotta cut down in yer info and simply KEEP IT CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Those Diocese of Cleveland guys must be kidding, those 3 books make me use the barf bag...
