Saturday, February 17, 2007


About a year ago, two of my best priest buddies and I went on retreat at Trinity Retreat House in Larchmont New York which was put on by Fr. Benedict Groeshel of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Because of parish duties we had to leave early on the last day of the retreat (like 5:oo AM) to get back to Cleveland, but Fr. Benedict said that he wanted to talk to us before we left. So, at 5:00 AM we knocked on the door of his humble dwelling and not only was he up, he was busy writing! He gave us a blessing and an instruction, "You boys need to start writing. You need to start getting the word out."

So we bundled ourselves into the van and headed out in awe until one of us said, "So, what do you suppose he meant?" It was then we realized that hadn't the slightest idea. (And truth be told, I think the comment was mostly directed Markus who is the most articulate and knowledgeable of us and who in fact is now in Rome studying his poor little heart out - Hi Markus - have an espresso on me today.)

Anyway, it did start me writing. Sometimes with success, sometimes not. A couple of successes have been an article on architecture and one on the liturgy. The one on liturgy was reprinted in Scotland and spurred an article by Terry Mattingly which was printed in a number of places.

Another priest whom I am proud to call a friend has also gotten into writing. An excellent article by him appeared in Dappled Things, a place for young (and happy) Catholics to post their thoughts, entitled, "Catholic Education and Masturbation." A more recent article by him can be found in First Things.

If you are Catholic, HAPPY, and a person of prayer, consider getting the pen out (or the keyboard.) Help get the good message of faith out. Write an article, a letter to the editor, a blog entry or at least journal! Don't be alarmed if it is not printed or read (I think barely a soul reads this blog) for if nothing else, it sends a message out to those managing such things that they have a readership that thinks a certain way and it organizes your thoughts, causes you to contemplate so when it comes time for you to speak out, you have something from which do draw. So get on it! Start today!


  1. I read the article on church buildings and forwarded it to a priest friend of mine with whom I have had some very interesting conversations on church architecture. He is pastor of a Newman Parish at a State University in IN. He has a new (approaching 3 years old this Easter) building which was built onto the previously exiting auditorium / multi-purpose sactuary he had before.

    I have heard a presentation by Thomas Gordon Smith on the design of 'neighborhood' communities which was absolutely fantastic.

    I read the article on Education and Masturbation and found his presentation almost alarming. To see where we were...and are now in the span of forty - fifty years or so, is enlightening. I think his response is simple and on the mark. But the pendulum swings have me a bit nauseous, I think.

    And I've looked at Dappled Things and will surely return there.

    What else you got up your sleeve?

  2. Hey Uncle Jim,

    Any details on that building? Pictures?

  3. I'm not inclined to say: "Pictures at 11"

    BUT, I'll see what I can do.

    St. Francis of Assisi Newman Parish
    Ball State University
    Muncie, IN

  4. I found their web site - not much in the way of pictures. :) Ah well.
